/** * $Id: browser.c,v 1.4 2002/11/02 22:28:05 bursa Exp $ */ #include "netsurf/riscos/font.h" #include "netsurf/render/box.h" #include "netsurf/render/layout.h" #include "netsurf/render/css.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/browser.h" #include "netsurf/render/utils.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/cache.h" #include #include #include #include #include struct box_selection { struct box* box; int actual_x; int actual_y; int plot_index; }; void browser_window_text_selection(struct browser_window* bw, int click_x, int click_y, int click_type); void browser_window_clear_text_selection(struct browser_window* bw); void browser_window_change_text_selection(struct browser_window* bw, struct box_position* new_start, struct box_position* new_end); void browser_window_redraw_boxes(struct browser_window* bw, struct box_position* start, struct box_position* end); void browser_window_follow_link(struct browser_window* bw, int click_x, int click_y, int click_type); void box_under_area(struct box* box, int x, int y, int ox, int oy, struct box_selection** found, int* count, int* plot_index); void browser_window_start_throbber(struct browser_window* bw) { bw->throbbing = 1; gui_window_start_throbber(bw->window); return; } void browser_window_stop_throbber(struct browser_window* bw) { bw->throbbing = 0; gui_window_stop_throbber(bw->window); } void content_destroy(struct content* c) { if (c == NULL) return; switch (c->type) { case CONTENT_HTML: /* free other memory here */ // xmlFreeParserCtxt(c->data.html.parser); fprintf(stderr, "free parser\n"); // htmlFreeParserCtxt(c->data.html.parser); fprintf(stderr, "free sheet\n"); // xfree(c->data.html.stylesheet); fprintf(stderr, "free style\n"); // xfree(c->data.html.style); if (c->data.html.layout != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "box_free box\n"); // box_free(c->data.html.layout); fprintf(stderr, "free box\n"); // xfree(c->data.html.layout); } fprintf(stderr, "free font\n"); font_free_set(c->data.html.fonts); break; default: break; } c->main_fetch = fetch_cancel(c->main_fetch); xfree(c); return; } size_t content_html_receive_data(struct content* c, void* data, size_t size, size_t nmemb) { size_t amount = nmemb; int offset = 0; size_t numInChunk = 2048 / size; /* process in 2k chunks */ if (numInChunk > nmemb) numInChunk = nmemb; else if (numInChunk <= (size_t)0) numInChunk = 1; while (amount > 0) { htmlParseChunk(c->data.html.parser, (char*)data + (offset * size), numInChunk, 0); offset += numInChunk; amount -= numInChunk; if (amount < numInChunk) numInChunk = amount; gui_multitask(); } return size * nmemb; } void set_content_html(struct content* c) { c->type = CONTENT_HTML; c->data.html.parser = htmlCreatePushParserCtxt(0, 0, "", 0, 0, XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_1); c->data.html.document = NULL; c->data.html.markup = NULL; c->data.html.layout = NULL; c->data.html.stylesheet = NULL; c->data.html.style = NULL; return; } void content_html_reformat(struct content* c, int width) { char* file; struct css_selector* selector = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_selector)); Log("content_html_reformat", "Starting stuff"); if (c->data.html.layout != NULL) { /* TODO: skip if width is unchanged */ layout_document(c->data.html.layout->children, (unsigned long)width); return; } Log("content_html_reformat", "Setting document to myDoc"); c->data.html.document = c->data.html.parser->myDoc; /* skip to start of html */ Log("content_html_reformat", "Skipping to html"); if (c->data.html.document == NULL) { Log("content_html_reformat", "There is no document!"); return; } for (c->data.html.markup = c->data.html.document->children; c->data.html.markup != 0 && c->data.html.markup->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE; c->data.html.markup = c->data.html.markup->next) ; if (c->data.html.markup == 0) { Log("content_html_reformat", "No markup"); return; } if (strcmp((const char *) c->data.html.markup->name, "html")) { Log("content_html_reformat", "Not html"); return; } // xfree(c->data.html.stylesheet); // xfree(c->data.html.style); Log("content_html_reformat", "Loading CSS"); file = load(".Resources.CSS"); /*!!! not portable! !!!*/ c->data.html.stylesheet = css_new_stylesheet(); Log("content_html_reformat", "Parsing stylesheet"); css_parse_stylesheet(c->data.html.stylesheet, file); Log("content_html_reformat", "Copying base style"); c->data.html.style = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_style)); memcpy(c->data.html.style, &css_base_style, sizeof(struct css_style)); Log("content_html_reformat", "Creating box"); c->data.html.layout = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct box)); c->data.html.layout->type = BOX_BLOCK; c->data.html.layout->node = c->data.html.markup; c->data.html.fonts = font_new_set(); Log("content_html_reformat", "XML to box"); xml_to_box(c->data.html.markup, c->data.html.style, c->data.html.stylesheet, &selector, 0, c->data.html.layout, 0, 0, c->data.html.fonts); Log("content_html_reformat", "Layout document"); layout_document(c->data.html.layout->children, (unsigned long)width); /* can tidy up memory here? */ return; } void browser_window_reformat(struct browser_window* bw) { char status[100]; clock_t time0, time1; Log("browser_window_reformat", "Entering..."); if (bw == NULL) return; if (bw->current_content == NULL) return; switch (bw->current_content->type) { case CONTENT_HTML: Log("browser_window_reformat", "HTML content."); browser_window_set_status(bw, "Formatting page..."); time0 = clock(); content_html_reformat(bw->current_content, gui_window_get_width(bw->window)); time1 = clock(); Log("browser_window_reformat", "Content reformatted"); if (bw->current_content->data.html.layout != NULL) { Log("browser_window_reformat", "Setting extent"); gui_window_set_extent(bw->window, bw->current_content->data.html.layout->children->width, bw->current_content->data.html.layout->children->height); Log("browser_window_reformat", "Setting scroll"); gui_window_set_scroll(bw->window, 0, 0); Log("browser_window_reformat", "Redraw window"); gui_window_redraw_window(bw->window); Log("browser_window_reformat", "Complete"); sprintf(status, "Format complete (%gs).", ((float) time1 - time0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); browser_window_set_status(bw, status); } else { Log("browser_window_reformat", "This isn't html"); browser_window_set_status(bw, "This is not HTML!"); cache_free(bw->current_content); bw->current_content = NULL; } break; default: Log("browser_window_reformat", "Unknown content type"); break; } } /* create a new history item */ struct history* history_create(char* desc, char* url) { struct history* h = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct history)); h->description = xstrdup(desc); h->url = xstrdup(url); return h; } void browser_window_back(struct browser_window* bw) { if (bw->history != NULL) { if (bw->history->earlier != NULL) { bw->history = bw->history->earlier; browser_window_open_location_historical(bw, bw->history->url); } } } void browser_window_forward(struct browser_window* bw) { if (bw->history != NULL) { if (bw->history->later != NULL) { bw->history = bw->history->later; browser_window_open_location_historical(bw, bw->history->url); } } } /* remember a new page after the current one. anything remembered after the current page is forgotten. */ void history_remember(struct history* current, char* desc, char* url) { struct history* h; assert(current != NULL); /* forget later history items */ h = current->later; while (h != NULL) { struct history* hh; hh = h; h = h->later; if (hh->description != NULL) xfree(hh->description); if (hh->url != NULL) xfree(hh->url); xfree(hh); } current->later = history_create(desc, url); current->later->earlier = current; return; } struct browser_window* create_browser_window(int flags, int width, int height) { struct browser_window* bw; bw = (struct browser_window*) xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct browser_window)); bw->flags = flags; bw->throbbing = 0; bw->format_width = width; bw->format_height = height; bw->scale.mult = 1; bw->scale.div = 1; bw->current_content = NULL; bw->future_content = NULL; bw->history = NULL; bw->url = NULL; bw->title = xstrdup("NetSurf"); bw->window = create_gui_browser_window(bw); return bw; } void browser_window_set_status(struct browser_window* bw, char* text) { if (bw->window != NULL) gui_window_set_status(bw->window, text); } void browser_window_destroy(struct browser_window* bw) { if (bw == NULL) return; cache_free(bw->current_content); cache_free(bw->future_content); if (bw->history != NULL) { struct history* current; while (current->earlier != NULL) current = current->earlier; while (current != NULL) { struct history* hh; hh = current; current = current->later; if (hh->description != NULL) xfree(hh->description); if (hh->url != NULL) xfree(hh->url); xfree(hh); } } xfree(bw->url); xfree(bw->title); gui_window_destroy(bw->window); xfree(bw); return; } void browser_window_open_location_historical(struct browser_window* bw, char* url) { if (bw == NULL) return; if (bw->future_content != NULL) cache_free(bw->future_content); bw->future_content = cache_get(url); if (bw->future_content == 0) { /* not in cache: start fetch */ struct fetch_request* req; req = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct fetch_request)); req->type = REQUEST_FROM_BROWSER; req->requestor.browser = bw; bw->future_content = (struct content*) xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct content)); bw->future_content->main_fetch = create_fetch(url, bw->url, 0, req); cache_put(url, bw->future_content, 1000); browser_window_start_throbber(bw); } else { /* in cache: reformat page and display */ browser_window_reformat(bw); } return; } void browser_window_open_location(struct browser_window* bw, char* url) { browser_window_open_location_historical(bw, url); if (bw->history == NULL) bw->history = history_create(NULL, bw->future_content->main_fetch->location); else { history_remember(bw->history, NULL, bw->future_content->main_fetch->location); bw->history = bw->history->later; } } int browser_window_message(struct browser_window* bw, struct browser_message* msg) { gui_safety previous_safety; switch (msg->type) { case msg_FETCH_SENDING: browser_window_set_status(bw, "Sending request..."); break; case msg_FETCH_WAITING: browser_window_set_status(bw, "Waiting for reply..."); break; case msg_FETCH_FETCH_INFO: browser_window_set_status(bw, "Request received..."); if (msg->f == bw->future_content->main_fetch) { switch (msg->data.fetch_info.type) { case type_HTML: set_content_html(bw->future_content); break; default: browser_window_stop_throbber(bw); return 1; } } break; case msg_FETCH_DATA: browser_window_set_status(bw, "Data received..."); if (msg->f == bw->future_content->main_fetch) content_html_receive_data(bw->future_content, msg->data.fetch_data.block, sizeof(char), msg->data.fetch_data.block_size); break; case msg_FETCH_ABORT: browser_window_set_status(bw, "Request failed."); if (msg->f == bw->future_content->main_fetch) { browser_window_stop_throbber(bw); bw->future_content->main_fetch = NULL; cache_free(bw->future_content); bw->future_content = NULL; } break; case msg_FETCH_FINISHED: browser_window_set_status(bw, "Request complete."); if (msg->f == bw->future_content->main_fetch) { struct gui_message gmsg; if (bw->future_content->main_fetch->location != NULL) xfree(bw->url); bw->url = xstrdup(bw->future_content->main_fetch->location); gmsg.type = msg_SET_URL; gmsg.data.set_url.url = bw->url; gui_window_message(bw->window, &gmsg); htmlParseChunk(bw->future_content->data.html.parser, "", 0, 1); bw->future_content->main_fetch = NULL; previous_safety = gui_window_set_redraw_safety(bw->window, UNSAFE); cache_free(bw->current_content); bw->current_content = bw->future_content; bw->future_content = NULL; browser_window_reformat(bw); gui_window_set_redraw_safety(bw->window, previous_safety); browser_window_stop_throbber(bw); } break; default: browser_window_set_status(bw, "???"); break; } return 0; } int browser_window_action(struct browser_window* bw, struct browser_action* act) { switch (act->type) { case act_MOUSE_AT: browser_window_follow_link(bw, act->data.mouse.x, act->data.mouse.y, 0); break; case act_MOUSE_CLICK: break; case act_CLEAR_SELECTION: browser_window_text_selection(bw, act->data.mouse.x, act->data.mouse.y, 0); break; case act_START_NEW_SELECTION: browser_window_text_selection(bw, act->data.mouse.x, act->data.mouse.y, 1); break; case act_ALTER_SELECTION: browser_window_text_selection(bw, act->data.mouse.x, act->data.mouse.y, 2); break; case act_FOLLOW_LINK: browser_window_follow_link(bw, act->data.mouse.x, act->data.mouse.y, 1); break; case act_FOLLOW_LINK_NEW_WINDOW: browser_window_follow_link(bw, act->data.mouse.x, act->data.mouse.y, 2); break; default: break; } return 0; } void box_under_area(struct box* box, int x, int y, int ox, int oy, struct box_selection** found, int* count, int* plot_index) { struct box* c; if (box == NULL) return; *plot_index = *plot_index + 1; if (x >= box->x + ox && x <= box->x + ox + box->width && y >= box->y + oy && y <= box->y + oy + box->height) { *found = xrealloc(*found, sizeof(struct box_selection) * (*count + 1)); (*found)[*count].box = box; (*found)[*count].actual_x = box->x + ox; (*found)[*count].actual_y = box->y + oy; (*found)[*count].plot_index = *plot_index; *count = *count + 1; } for (c = box->children; c != 0; c = c->next) if (c->type != BOX_FLOAT_LEFT && c->type != BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT) box_under_area(c, x, y, box->x + ox, box->y + oy, found, count, plot_index); for (c = box->float_children; c != 0; c = c->next_float) box_under_area(c, x, y, box->x + ox, box->y + oy, found, count, plot_index); return; } void browser_window_follow_link(struct browser_window* bw, int click_x, int click_y, int click_type) { struct box_selection* click_boxes; int found, plot_index; int i; int done = 0; found = 0; click_boxes = NULL; plot_index = 0; box_under_area(bw->current_content->data.html.layout->children, click_x, click_y, 0, 0, &click_boxes, &found, &plot_index); if (found == 0) return; for (i = found - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (click_boxes[i].box->href != NULL) { if (click_type == 1) browser_window_open_location(bw, (char*) click_boxes[i].box->href); else if (click_type == 2) { struct browser_window* bw_new; bw_new = create_browser_window(browser_TITLE | browser_TOOLBAR | browser_SCROLL_X_NONE | browser_SCROLL_Y_ALWAYS, 640, 480); gui_window_show(bw_new->window); if (bw->url != NULL) bw_new->url = xstrdup(bw->url); browser_window_open_location(bw_new, (char*) click_boxes[i].box->href); } else if (click_type == 0) { browser_window_set_status(bw, (char*) click_boxes[i].box->href); done = 1; } i = -1; } } if (click_type == 0 && done == 0) browser_window_set_status(bw, ""); free(click_boxes); return; } void browser_window_text_selection(struct browser_window* bw, int click_x, int click_y, int click_type) { struct box_selection* click_boxes; int found, plot_index; int i; if (click_type == 0 /* click_CLEAR_SELECTION */ ) { browser_window_clear_text_selection(bw); return; } found = 0; click_boxes = NULL; plot_index = 0; box_under_area(bw->current_content->data.html.layout->children, click_x, click_y, 0, 0, &click_boxes, &found, &plot_index); if (found == 0) return; for (i = found - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (click_boxes[i].box->type == BOX_INLINE) { struct box_position new_pos; struct box_position* start; struct box_position* end; int click_char_offset, click_pixel_offset; /* shortcuts */ start = &(bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.start); end = &(bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.end); font_position_in_string(click_boxes[i].box->text, click_boxes[i].box->font, click_boxes[i].box->length, click_x - click_boxes[i].actual_x, &click_char_offset, &click_pixel_offset); new_pos.box = click_boxes[i].box; new_pos.actual_box_x = click_boxes[i].actual_x; new_pos.actual_box_y = click_boxes[i].actual_y; new_pos.plot_index = click_boxes[i].plot_index; new_pos.char_offset = click_char_offset; new_pos.pixel_offset = click_pixel_offset; if (click_type == 1 /* click_START_SELECTION */ ) { /* update both start and end */ browser_window_clear_text_selection(bw); bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.altering = alter_UNKNOWN; bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.selected = 1; memcpy(start, &new_pos, sizeof(struct box_position)); memcpy(end, &new_pos, sizeof(struct box_position)); i = -1; } else if (bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.selected == 1 && click_type == 2 /* click_ALTER_SELECTION */) { /* alter selection */ if (bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.altering != alter_UNKNOWN) { if (bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.altering == alter_START) { if (box_position_gt(&new_pos,end)) { bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.altering = alter_END; browser_window_change_text_selection(bw, end, &new_pos); } else browser_window_change_text_selection(bw, &new_pos, end); } else { if (box_position_lt(&new_pos,start)) { bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.altering = alter_START; browser_window_change_text_selection(bw, &new_pos, start); } else browser_window_change_text_selection(bw, start, &new_pos); } i = -1; } else { /* work out whether the start or end is being dragged */ int click_start_distance = 0; int click_end_distance = 0; int inside_block = 0; int before_start = 0; int after_end = 0; if (box_position_lt(&new_pos, start)) before_start = 1; if (box_position_gt(&new_pos, end)) after_end = 1; if (!box_position_lt(&new_pos, start) && !box_position_gt(&new_pos, end)) inside_block = 1; if (inside_block == 1) { click_start_distance = box_position_distance(start, &new_pos); click_end_distance = box_position_distance(end, &new_pos); } if (before_start == 1 || (after_end == 0 && inside_block == 1 && click_start_distance < click_end_distance)) { /* alter the start position */ bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.altering = alter_START; browser_window_change_text_selection(bw, &new_pos, end); i = -1; } else if (after_end == 1 || (before_start == 0 && inside_block == 1 && click_start_distance >= click_end_distance)) { /* alter the end position */ bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.altering = alter_END; browser_window_change_text_selection(bw, start, &new_pos); i = -1; } } } } } free(click_boxes); return; } void browser_window_clear_text_selection(struct browser_window* bw) { struct box_position* old_start; struct box_position* old_end; old_start = &(bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.start); old_end = &(bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.end); if (bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.selected == 1) { bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.selected = 0; browser_window_redraw_boxes(bw, old_start, old_end); } bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.altering = alter_UNKNOWN; } void browser_window_change_text_selection(struct browser_window* bw, struct box_position* new_start, struct box_position* new_end) { struct box_position start; struct box_position end; memcpy(&start, &(bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.start), sizeof(struct box_position)); memcpy(&end, &(bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.end), sizeof(struct box_position)); if (!box_position_eq(new_start, &start)) { if (box_position_lt(new_start, &start)) browser_window_redraw_boxes(bw, new_start, &start); else browser_window_redraw_boxes(bw, &start, new_start); memcpy(&start, new_start, sizeof(struct box_position)); } if (!box_position_eq(new_end, &end)) { if (box_position_lt(new_end, &end)) browser_window_redraw_boxes(bw, new_end, &end); else browser_window_redraw_boxes(bw, &end, new_end); memcpy(&end, new_end, sizeof(struct box_position)); } memcpy(&(bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.start), &start, sizeof(struct box_position)); memcpy(&(bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.end), &end, sizeof(struct box_position)); bw->current_content->data.html.text_selection.selected = 1; } int box_position_lt(struct box_position* x, struct box_position* y) { return (x->plot_index < y->plot_index || (x->plot_index == y->plot_index && x->char_offset < y->char_offset)); } int box_position_gt(struct box_position* x, struct box_position* y) { return (x->plot_index > y->plot_index || (x->plot_index == y->plot_index && x->char_offset > y->char_offset)); } int box_position_eq(struct box_position* x, struct box_position* y) { return (x->plot_index == y->plot_index && x->char_offset == y->char_offset); } int box_position_distance(struct box_position* x, struct box_position* y) { int dx = (y->actual_box_x + y->pixel_offset) - (x->actual_box_x + x->pixel_offset); int dy = (y->actual_box_y + y->box->height / 2) - (x->actual_box_y + x->box->height / 2); return dx*dx + dy*dy; } int redraw_min_x = INT_MAX; int redraw_min_y = INT_MAX; int redraw_max_x = INT_MIN; int redraw_max_y = INT_MIN; int redraw_box_list(struct browser_window* bw, struct box* current, int x, int y, struct box_position* start, struct box_position* end, int* plot) { struct box* c; if (current == start->box) *plot = 1; if (*plot >= 1 && current->type == BOX_INLINE) { int minx = x + current->x; int miny = y + current->y; int maxx = x + current->x + current->width; int maxy = y + current->y + current->height; if (minx < redraw_min_x) redraw_min_x = minx; if (miny < redraw_min_y) redraw_min_y = miny; if (maxx > redraw_max_x) redraw_max_x = maxx; if (maxy > redraw_max_y) redraw_max_y = maxy; *plot = 2; } if (current == end->box) return 1; for (c = current->children; c != 0; c = c->next) if (c->type != BOX_FLOAT_LEFT && c->type != BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT) if (redraw_box_list(bw, c, x + current->x, y + current->y, start, end, plot) == 1) return 1; for (c = current->float_children; c != 0; c = c->next_float) if (redraw_box_list(bw, c, x + current->x, y + current->y, start, end, plot) == 1) return 1; return 0; } void browser_window_redraw_boxes(struct browser_window* bw, struct box_position* start, struct box_position* end) { int plot = 0; if (box_position_eq(start, end)) return; redraw_min_x = INT_MAX; redraw_min_y = INT_MAX; redraw_max_x = INT_MIN; redraw_max_y = INT_MIN; redraw_box_list(bw, bw->current_content->data.html.layout, 0,0, start, end, &plot); if (plot == 2) gui_window_redraw(bw->window, redraw_min_x, redraw_min_y, redraw_max_x, redraw_max_y); }