/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2003 Phil Mellor * Copyright 2004 James Bursa * Copyright 2004 Andrew Timmins * Copyright 2004 John Tytgat */ /** \file * Browser window creation and manipulation (implementation). */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "netsurf/utils/config.h" #include "netsurf/content/fetch.h" #include "netsurf/content/fetchcache.h" #include "netsurf/content/url_store.h" #include "netsurf/css/css.h" #ifdef WITH_AUTH #include "netsurf/desktop/401login.h" #endif #include "netsurf/desktop/browser.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/gui.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/imagemap.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/options.h" #include "netsurf/render/box.h" #include "netsurf/render/font.h" #include "netsurf/render/form.h" #include "netsurf/render/layout.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/messages.h" #include "netsurf/utils/url.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" static void browser_window_callback(content_msg msg, struct content *c, void *p1, void *p2, union content_msg_data data); static void browser_window_convert_to_download(struct browser_window *bw); static void browser_window_start_throbber(struct browser_window *bw); static void browser_window_stop_throbber(struct browser_window *bw); static void browser_window_set_status(struct browser_window *bw, const char *text); static void browser_window_set_pointer(gui_pointer_shape shape); static void download_window_callback(fetch_msg msg, void *p, const char *data, unsigned long size); static void browser_window_mouse_click_html(struct browser_window *bw, browser_mouse_click click, int x, int y); static void browser_window_mouse_drag_html(struct browser_window *bw, int x, int y); static const char *browser_window_scrollbar_click(struct browser_window *bw, browser_mouse_click click, struct box *box, int box_x, int box_y, int x, int y); static void browser_radio_set(struct content *content, struct form_control *radio); static void browser_redraw_box(struct content *c, struct box *box); static void browser_window_textarea_click(struct browser_window *bw, struct box *textarea, int box_x, int box_y, int x, int y); static void browser_window_textarea_callback(struct browser_window *bw, wchar_t key, void *p); static void browser_window_input_click(struct browser_window* bw, struct box *input, int box_x, int box_y, int x, int y); static void browser_window_input_callback(struct browser_window *bw, wchar_t key, void *p); static void browser_window_place_caret(struct browser_window *bw, int x, int y, int height, void (*callback)(struct browser_window *bw, wchar_t key, void *p), void *p); static void browser_window_remove_caret(struct browser_window *bw); static gui_pointer_shape get_pointer_shape(css_cursor cursor); static void browser_form_submit(struct browser_window *bw, struct form *form, struct form_control *submit_button); /** * Create and open a new browser window with the given page. * * \param url URL to start fetching in the new window (copied) * \param clone The browser window to clone * \param referer The referring uri */ void browser_window_create(const char *url, struct browser_window *clone, char *referer) { struct browser_window *bw; if ((bw = malloc(sizeof *bw)) == NULL) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } bw->current_content = NULL; bw->loading_content = NULL; bw->history = history_create(); bw->throbbing = false; bw->caret_callback = NULL; bw->frag_id = NULL; bw->drag_type = DRAGGING_NONE; bw->scrolling_box = NULL; bw->referer = NULL; bw->download = false; if ((bw->window = gui_create_browser_window(bw, clone)) == NULL) { free(bw); return; } browser_window_go(bw, url, referer); } /** * Start fetching a page in a browser window. * * \param bw browser window * \param url URL to start fetching (copied) * \param referer the referring uri * * Any existing fetches in the window are aborted. */ void browser_window_go(struct browser_window *bw, const char *url, char* referer) { browser_window_go_post(bw, url, 0, 0, true, referer, false); } /** * Start fetching a page in a browser window, POSTing form data. * * \param bw browser window * \param url URL to start fetching (copied) * \param post_urlenc url encoded post data, or 0 if none * \param post_multipart multipart post data, or 0 if none * \param history_add add to window history * \param referer the referring uri * \param download download, rather than render the uri * * Any existing fetches in the window are aborted. * * If post_urlenc and post_multipart are 0 the url is fetched using GET. * * The page is not added to the window history if add_history is false. This * should be used when returning to a page in the window history. */ void browser_window_go_post(struct browser_window *bw, const char *url, char *post_urlenc, struct form_successful_control *post_multipart, bool history_add, char *referer, bool download) { struct content *c; char *url2; char *hash; url_func_result res; struct url_content *url_content; LOG(("bw %p, url %s", bw, url)); res = url_normalize(url, &url2); if (res != URL_FUNC_OK) { LOG(("failed to normalize url %s", url)); return; } browser_window_stop(bw); browser_window_remove_caret(bw); /* check we can actually handle this URL */ if (!fetch_can_fetch(url2)) { gui_launch_url(url2); free(url2); return; } hash = strchr(url2, '#'); if (bw->frag_id) { free(bw->frag_id); bw->frag_id = 0; } if (hash) { bw->frag_id = strdup(hash+1); /* if we're simply moving to another ID on the same page, * don't bother to fetch, just update the window */ if (bw->current_content && strncasecmp(bw->current_content->url, url2, hash - url2) == 0) { free(url2); browser_window_update(bw, false); return; } } url_content = url_store_find(url2); if (url_content) url_content->visits++; browser_window_set_status(bw, messages_get("Loading")); bw->history_add = history_add; bw->time0 = clock(); c = fetchcache(url2, browser_window_callback, bw, 0, gui_window_get_width(bw->window), 0, false, post_urlenc, post_multipart, true, download); free(url2); if (!c) { browser_window_set_status(bw, messages_get("NoMemory")); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } bw->loading_content = c; browser_window_start_throbber(bw); if (referer && referer != bw->referer) { free(bw->referer); bw->referer = strdup(referer); } bw->download = download; fetchcache_go(c, option_send_referer ? referer : 0, browser_window_callback, bw, 0, gui_window_get_width(bw->window), 0, post_urlenc, post_multipart, true); } /** * Callback for fetchcache() for browser window fetches. */ void browser_window_callback(content_msg msg, struct content *c, void *p1, void *p2, union content_msg_data data) { struct browser_window *bw = p1; char status[40]; switch (msg) { case CONTENT_MSG_LOADING: assert(bw->loading_content == c); if (c->type == CONTENT_OTHER) browser_window_convert_to_download(bw); #ifdef WITH_THEME_INSTALL else if (c->type == CONTENT_THEME) { theme_install_start(c); bw->loading_content = 0; content_remove_user(c, browser_window_callback, bw, 0); browser_window_stop_throbber(bw); } #endif else gui_window_set_url(bw->window, c->url); break; case CONTENT_MSG_READY: assert(bw->loading_content == c); if (bw->current_content) { if (bw->current_content->status == CONTENT_STATUS_READY || bw->current_content->status == CONTENT_STATUS_DONE) content_close(bw->current_content); content_remove_user(bw->current_content, browser_window_callback, bw, 0); } bw->current_content = c; bw->loading_content = NULL; bw->caret_callback = NULL; bw->scrolling_box = NULL; gui_window_new_content(bw->window); gui_window_set_url(bw->window, c->url); browser_window_update(bw, true); content_open(c, bw, 0, 0, 0); browser_window_set_status(bw, c->status_message); if (bw->history_add) { history_add(bw->history, c, bw->frag_id); global_history_add(bw->window); } break; case CONTENT_MSG_DONE: assert(bw->current_content == c); browser_window_update(bw, false); sprintf(status, messages_get("Complete"), ((float) (clock() - bw->time0)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); browser_window_set_status(bw, status); browser_window_stop_throbber(bw); history_update(bw->history, c); hotlist_visited(c); free (bw->referer); bw->referer = 0; break; case CONTENT_MSG_ERROR: browser_window_set_status(bw, data.error); warn_user(data.error, 0); if (c == bw->loading_content) bw->loading_content = 0; else if (c == bw->current_content) { bw->current_content = 0; bw->caret_callback = NULL; bw->scrolling_box = NULL; } browser_window_stop_throbber(bw); free(bw->referer); bw->referer = 0; break; case CONTENT_MSG_STATUS: browser_window_set_status(bw, c->status_message); break; case CONTENT_MSG_REDIRECT: bw->loading_content = 0; browser_window_set_status(bw, messages_get("Redirecting")); /* the spec says nothing about referrers and * redirects => follow Mozilla and preserve the * referer across the redirect */ browser_window_go_post(bw, data.redirect, 0, 0, bw->history_add, bw->referer, bw->download); break; case CONTENT_MSG_REFORMAT: browser_window_update(bw, false); break; case CONTENT_MSG_REDRAW: gui_window_update_box(bw->window, &data); break; case CONTENT_MSG_NEWPTR: bw->loading_content = c; break; #ifdef WITH_AUTH case CONTENT_MSG_AUTH: gui_401login_open(bw, c, data.auth_realm); if (c == bw->loading_content) bw->loading_content = 0; else if (c == bw->current_content) { bw->current_content = 0; bw->caret_callback = NULL; bw->scrolling_box = NULL; } browser_window_stop_throbber(bw); free (bw->referer); bw->referer = 0; break; #endif default: assert(0); } } /** * Transfer the loading_content to a new download window. */ void browser_window_convert_to_download(struct browser_window *bw) { struct gui_download_window *download_window; struct content *c = bw->loading_content; struct fetch *fetch; assert(c); fetch = c->fetch; if (fetch) { /* create download window */ download_window = gui_download_window_create(c->url, c->mime_type, fetch, c->total_size); if (download_window) { /* extract fetch from content */ c->fetch = 0; c->fresh = false; fetch_change_callback(fetch, download_window_callback, download_window); } } else { /* must already be a download window for this fetch */ /** \todo open it at top of stack */ } /* remove content from browser window */ bw->loading_content = 0; content_remove_user(c, browser_window_callback, bw, 0); browser_window_stop_throbber(bw); } /** * Start the busy indicator. * * \param bw browser window */ void browser_window_start_throbber(struct browser_window *bw) { bw->throbbing = true; gui_window_start_throbber(bw->window); } /** * Stop the busy indicator. * * \param bw browser window */ void browser_window_stop_throbber(struct browser_window *bw) { bw->throbbing = false; gui_window_stop_throbber(bw->window); } /** * Redraw browser window, set extent to content, and update title. * * \param bw browser_window * \param scroll_to_top move view to top of page */ void browser_window_update(struct browser_window *bw, bool scroll_to_top) { char *title_local_enc; struct box *pos; int x, y; if (!bw->current_content) return; if (bw->current_content->title != NULL && (title_local_enc = cnv_str_local_enc(bw->current_content->title)) != NULL) { gui_window_set_title(bw->window, title_local_enc); free(title_local_enc); } else gui_window_set_title(bw->window, bw->current_content->url); gui_window_set_extent(bw->window, bw->current_content->width, bw->current_content->height); if (scroll_to_top) gui_window_set_scroll(bw->window, 0, 0); /* if frag_id exists, then try to scroll to it */ if (bw->frag_id && bw->current_content->type == CONTENT_HTML) { if ((pos = box_find_by_id(bw->current_content->data.html.layout, bw->frag_id)) != 0) { box_coords(pos, &x, &y); gui_window_set_scroll(bw->window, x, y); } } gui_window_redraw_window(bw->window); } /** * Stop all fetching activity in a browser window. * * \param bw browser window */ void browser_window_stop(struct browser_window *bw) { if (bw->loading_content) { content_remove_user(bw->loading_content, browser_window_callback, bw, 0); bw->loading_content = 0; } if (bw->current_content && bw->current_content->status != CONTENT_STATUS_DONE) { assert(bw->current_content->status == CONTENT_STATUS_READY); content_stop(bw->current_content, browser_window_callback, bw, 0); } browser_window_stop_throbber(bw); } /** * Reload the page in a browser window. * * \param bw browser window * \param all whether to reload all objects associated with the page */ void browser_window_reload(struct browser_window *bw, bool all) { struct content *c; unsigned int i; if (!bw->current_content || bw->loading_content) return; if (all && bw->current_content->type == CONTENT_HTML) { c = bw->current_content; /* invalidate objects */ for (i=0; i!=c->data.html.object_count; i++) { if (c->data.html.object[i].content != 0) c->data.html.object[i].content->fresh = false; } /* invalidate stylesheets */ for (i=STYLESHEET_START; i!=c->data.html.stylesheet_count; i++) { if (c->data.html.stylesheet_content[i] != 0) c->data.html.stylesheet_content[i]->fresh = false; } } bw->current_content->fresh = false; browser_window_go_post(bw, bw->current_content->url, 0, 0, false, 0, false); } /** * Change the status bar of a browser window. * * \param bw browser window * \param text new status text (copied) */ void browser_window_set_status(struct browser_window *bw, const char *text) { gui_window_set_status(bw->window, text); } /** * Change the shape of the mouse pointer * * \param shape shape to use */ void browser_window_set_pointer(gui_pointer_shape shape) { gui_window_set_pointer(shape); } /** * Close and destroy a browser window. * * \param bw browser window */ void browser_window_destroy(struct browser_window *bw) { if (bw->loading_content) { content_remove_user(bw->loading_content, browser_window_callback, bw, 0); bw->loading_content = 0; } if (bw->current_content) { if (bw->current_content->status == CONTENT_STATUS_READY || bw->current_content->status == CONTENT_STATUS_DONE) content_close(bw->current_content); content_remove_user(bw->current_content, browser_window_callback, bw, 0); } history_destroy(bw->history); gui_window_destroy(bw->window); free(bw->frag_id); free(bw); } /** * Callback for fetch for download window fetches. */ void download_window_callback(fetch_msg msg, void *p, const char *data, unsigned long size) { struct gui_download_window *download_window = p; switch (msg) { case FETCH_PROGRESS: break; case FETCH_DATA: gui_download_window_data(download_window, data, size); break; case FETCH_FINISHED: gui_download_window_done(download_window); break; case FETCH_ERROR: gui_download_window_error(download_window, data); break; case FETCH_TYPE: case FETCH_REDIRECT: case FETCH_AUTH: default: /* not possible */ assert(0); break; } } /** * Handle mouse clicks in a browser window. * * \param bw browser window * \param click type of mouse click * \param x coordinate of mouse * \param y coordinate of mouse */ void browser_window_mouse_click(struct browser_window *bw, browser_mouse_click click, int x, int y) { if (!bw->current_content) return; if (bw->current_content->type == CONTENT_HTML) browser_window_mouse_click_html(bw, click, x, y); } /** * Handle mouse clicks in an HTML content window. * * \param bw browser window * \param click type of mouse click * \param x coordinate of mouse * \param y coordinate of mouse */ void browser_window_mouse_click_html(struct browser_window *bw, browser_mouse_click click, int x, int y) { char *base_url = 0; char *href = 0; char *title = 0; char *url; char status_buffer[200]; const char *status = 0; gui_pointer_shape pointer = GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT; int box_x = 0, box_y = 0; int gadget_box_x = 0, gadget_box_y = 0; int scroll_box_x = 0, scroll_box_y = 0; struct box *gadget_box = 0; struct box *scroll_box = 0; struct content *c = bw->current_content; struct box *box; struct content *content = c; struct content *gadget_content = c; struct form_control *gadget = 0; url_func_result res; if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_DRAG) { browser_window_mouse_drag_html(bw, x, y); return; } bw->drag_type = DRAGGING_NONE; bw->scrolling_box = NULL; /* search the box tree for a link, imagemap, form control, or * box with scrollbars */ box = c->data.html.layout; while ((box = box_at_point(box, x, y, &box_x, &box_y, &content)) != NULL) { if (box->style && box->style->visibility == CSS_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN) continue; if (box->href) { base_url = content->data.html.base_url; href = box->href; } if (box->usemap) { base_url = content->data.html.base_url; href = imagemap_get(content, box->usemap, box_x, box_y, x, y); } if (box->gadget) { gadget_content = content; base_url = content->data.html.base_url; gadget = box->gadget; gadget_box = box; gadget_box_x = box_x; gadget_box_y = box_y; } if (box->title) title = box->title; if (box->style && box->style->cursor != CSS_CURSOR_UNKNOWN) pointer = get_pointer_shape(box->style->cursor); if (box->style && box->type != BOX_BR && box->type != BOX_INLINE && (box->style->overflow == CSS_OVERFLOW_SCROLL || box->style->overflow == CSS_OVERFLOW_AUTO) && ((box_vscrollbar_present(box) && box_x + box->scroll_x + box->padding[LEFT] + box->width < x) || (box_hscrollbar_present(box) && box_y + box->scroll_y + box->padding[TOP] + box->height < y))) { scroll_box = box; scroll_box_x = box_x + box->scroll_x; scroll_box_y = box_y + box->scroll_y; } } if (scroll_box) { status = browser_window_scrollbar_click(bw, click, scroll_box, scroll_box_x, scroll_box_y, x - scroll_box_x, y - scroll_box_y); } else if (gadget) { switch (gadget->type) { case GADGET_SELECT: status = messages_get("FormSelect"); pointer = GUI_POINTER_MENU; if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1 || click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1_MOD) gui_create_form_select_menu(bw, gadget); break; case GADGET_CHECKBOX: status = messages_get("FormCheckbox"); if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1 || click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1_MOD) { gadget->selected = !gadget->selected; browser_redraw_box(gadget_content, gadget_box); } break; case GADGET_RADIO: status = messages_get("FormRadio"); if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1 || click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1_MOD) browser_radio_set(gadget_content, gadget); break; case GADGET_IMAGE: if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1 || click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1_MOD) { gadget->data.image.mx = x - gadget_box_x; gadget->data.image.my = y - gadget_box_y; } /* drop through */ case GADGET_SUBMIT: if (gadget->form) { res = url_join(gadget->form->action, base_url, &url); snprintf(status_buffer, sizeof status_buffer, messages_get("FormSubmit"), (res == URL_FUNC_OK) ? url : gadget->form->action); status = status_buffer; pointer = GUI_POINTER_POINT; if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1 || click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1_MOD) browser_form_submit(bw, gadget->form, gadget); } else { status = messages_get("FormBadSubmit"); } break; case GADGET_TEXTAREA: status = messages_get("FormTextarea"); pointer = GUI_POINTER_CARET; if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1 || click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1_MOD) browser_window_textarea_click(bw, gadget_box, gadget_box_x, gadget_box_y, x - gadget_box_x, y - gadget_box_y); break; case GADGET_TEXTBOX: case GADGET_PASSWORD: status = messages_get("FormTextbox"); pointer = GUI_POINTER_CARET; if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1 || click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1_MOD) browser_window_input_click(bw, gadget_box, gadget_box_x, gadget_box_y, x - gadget_box_x, y - gadget_box_y); break; case GADGET_HIDDEN: /* not possible: no box generated */ break; case GADGET_RESET: status = messages_get("FormReset"); break; case GADGET_FILE: status = messages_get("FormFile"); break; } } else if (href) { res = url_join(href, base_url, &url); if (res != URL_FUNC_OK) return; if (title) { snprintf(status_buffer, sizeof status_buffer, "%s: %s", title, url); status = status_buffer; } else status = url; pointer = GUI_POINTER_POINT; if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1) { browser_window_go(bw, url, c->url); } else if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_2) { browser_window_create(url, bw, c->url); } else if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1_MOD || click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_2_MOD) { browser_window_go_post(bw, url, 0, 0, false, c->url, true); } } else if (title) { status = title; } else { if (bw->loading_content) status = bw->loading_content->status_message; else status = c->status_message; } assert(status); browser_window_set_status(bw, status); browser_window_set_pointer(pointer); } /** * Handle mouse drags in an HTML content window. * * \param bw browser window * \param x coordinate of mouse * \param y coordinate of mouse */ void browser_window_mouse_drag_html(struct browser_window *bw, int x, int y) { int scroll_x, scroll_y; struct box *box; if (bw->drag_type == DRAGGING_VSCROLL) { box = bw->scrolling_box; assert(box); scroll_y = bw->scrolling_start_scroll_y + (float) (y - bw->scrolling_start_y) / (float) bw->scrolling_well_height * (float) (box->descendant_y1 - box->descendant_y0); if (scroll_y < box->descendant_y0) scroll_y = box->descendant_y0; else if (box->descendant_y1 - box->height < scroll_y) scroll_y = box->descendant_y1 - box->height; if (scroll_y == box->scroll_y) return; box->scroll_y = scroll_y; browser_redraw_box(bw->current_content, bw->scrolling_box); } else if (bw->drag_type == DRAGGING_HSCROLL) { box = bw->scrolling_box; assert(box); scroll_x = bw->scrolling_start_scroll_x + (float) (x - bw->scrolling_start_x) / (float) bw->scrolling_well_width * (float) (box->descendant_x1 - box->descendant_x0); if (scroll_x < box->descendant_x0) scroll_x = box->descendant_x0; else if (box->descendant_x1 - box->width < scroll_x) scroll_x = box->descendant_x1 - box->width; if (scroll_x == box->scroll_x) return; box->scroll_x = scroll_x; browser_redraw_box(bw->current_content, bw->scrolling_box); } } /** * Handle mouse clicks in a box scrollbar. * * \param bw browser window * \param click type of mouse click * \param box scrolling box * \param box_x position of box in global document coordinates * \param box_y position of box in global document coordinates * \param x coordinate of click relative to box position * \param y coordinate of click relative to box position * \return status bar message */ const char *browser_window_scrollbar_click(struct browser_window *bw, browser_mouse_click click, struct box *box, int box_x, int box_y, int x, int y) { const int w = SCROLLBAR_WIDTH; bool vscroll, hscroll; int well_height, bar_top, bar_height; int well_width, bar_left, bar_width; const char *status = 0; bool vert; int z, scroll, bar_start, bar_size, well_size, page; box_scrollbar_dimensions(box, box->padding[LEFT] + box->width + box->padding[RIGHT], box->padding[TOP] + box->height + box->padding[BOTTOM], w, &vscroll, &hscroll, &well_height, &bar_top, &bar_height, &well_width, &bar_left, &bar_width); /* store some data for scroll drags */ bw->scrolling_box = box; bw->scrolling_start_x = box_x + x; bw->scrolling_start_y = box_y + y; bw->scrolling_start_scroll_x = box->scroll_x; bw->scrolling_start_scroll_y = box->scroll_y; bw->scrolling_well_width = well_width; bw->scrolling_well_height = well_height; /* determine which scrollbar was clicked */ if (box_vscrollbar_present(box) && box->padding[LEFT] + box->width < x) { vert = true; z = y; scroll = box->scroll_y; well_size = well_height; bar_start = bar_top; bar_size = bar_height; page = box->height; } else { vert = false; z = x; scroll = box->scroll_x; well_size = well_width; bar_start = bar_left; bar_size = bar_width; page = box->width; } /* find icon in scrollbar and calculate scroll */ if (z < w) { status = messages_get(vert ? "ScrollUp" : "ScrollLeft"); if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1) scroll -= 16; else if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_2) scroll += 16; } else if (z < w + bar_start + w / 4) { status = messages_get(vert ? "ScrollPUp" : "ScrollPLeft"); if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1) scroll -= page; else if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_2) scroll += page; } else if (z < w + bar_start + bar_size - w / 4) { status = messages_get(vert ? "ScrollV" : "ScrollH"); if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1) bw->drag_type = vert ? DRAGGING_VSCROLL : DRAGGING_HSCROLL; } else if (z < w + well_size) { status = messages_get(vert ? "ScrollPDown" : "ScrollPRight"); if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1) scroll += page; else if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_2) scroll -= page; } else { status = messages_get(vert ? "ScrollDown" : "ScrollRight"); if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1) scroll += 16; else if (click == BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_2) scroll -= 16; } /* update box and redraw */ if (vert) { if (scroll < box->descendant_y0) scroll = box->descendant_y0; else if (box->descendant_y1 - box->height < scroll) scroll = box->descendant_y1 - box->height; if (scroll != box->scroll_y) { box->scroll_y = scroll; browser_redraw_box(bw->current_content, box); } } else { if (scroll < box->descendant_x0) scroll = box->descendant_x0; else if (box->descendant_x1 - box->width < scroll) scroll = box->descendant_x1 - box->width; if (scroll != box->scroll_x) { box->scroll_x = scroll; browser_redraw_box(bw->current_content, box); } } return status; } /** * Set a radio form control and clear the others in the group. * * \param content content containing the form, of type CONTENT_TYPE * \param radio form control of type GADGET_RADIO */ void browser_radio_set(struct content *content, struct form_control *radio) { struct form_control *control; assert(content); assert(radio); if (!radio->form) return; if (radio->selected) return; for (control = radio->form->controls; control; control = control->next) { if (control->type != GADGET_RADIO) continue; if (control == radio) continue; if (strcmp(control->name, radio->name) != 0) continue; if (control->selected) { control->selected = false; browser_redraw_box(content, control->box); } } radio->selected = true; browser_redraw_box(content, radio->box); } /** * Redraw a box. * * \param c content containing the box, of type CONTENT_HTML * \param box box to redraw */ void browser_redraw_box(struct content *c, struct box *box) { int x, y; union content_msg_data data; box_coords(box, &x, &y); data.redraw.x = x; data.redraw.y = y; data.redraw.width = box->padding[LEFT] + box->width + box->padding[RIGHT]; data.redraw.height = box->padding[TOP] + box->height + box->padding[BOTTOM]; data.redraw.full_redraw = true; data.redraw.object = c; data.redraw.object_x = 0; data.redraw.object_y = 0; data.redraw.object_width = c->width; data.redraw.object_height = c->height; content_broadcast(c, CONTENT_MSG_REDRAW, data); } /** * Handle clicks in a text area by placing the caret. * * \param bw browser window where click occurred * \param textarea textarea box * \param box_x position of textarea in global document coordinates * \param box_y position of textarea in global document coordinates * \param x coordinate of click relative to textarea * \param y coordinate of click relative to textarea */ void browser_window_textarea_click(struct browser_window *bw, struct box *textarea, int box_x, int box_y, int x, int y) { /* A textarea is an INLINE_BLOCK containing a single INLINE_CONTAINER, * which contains the text as runs of INLINE separated by BR. There is * at least one INLINE. The first and last boxes are INLINE. * Consecutive BR may not be present. These constraints are satisfied * by using a 0-length INLINE for blank lines. */ int char_offset = 0, pixel_offset = 0, new_scroll_y; struct box *inline_container, *text_box; inline_container = textarea->children; if (inline_container->y + inline_container->height < y) { /* below the bottom of the textarea: place caret at end */ text_box = inline_container->last; assert(text_box->type == BOX_INLINE); assert(text_box->text); /** \todo handle errors */ nsfont_position_in_string(text_box->style, text_box->text, text_box->length, textarea->width, &char_offset, &pixel_offset); } else { /* find the relevant text box */ y -= inline_container->y; for (text_box = inline_container->children; text_box && text_box->y + text_box->height < y; text_box = text_box->next) ; for (; text_box && text_box->type != BOX_BR && text_box->y <= y && text_box->x + text_box->width < x; text_box = text_box->next) ; if (!text_box) { /* past last text box */ text_box = inline_container->last; assert(text_box->type == BOX_INLINE); assert(text_box->text); nsfont_position_in_string(text_box->style, text_box->text, text_box->length, textarea->width, &char_offset, &pixel_offset); } else { /* in a text box */ if (text_box->type == BOX_BR) text_box = text_box->prev; else if (y < text_box->y && text_box->prev) text_box = text_box->prev; assert(text_box->type == BOX_INLINE); assert(text_box->text); nsfont_position_in_string(text_box->style, text_box->text, text_box->length, (unsigned int)(x - text_box->x), &char_offset, &pixel_offset); } } /* scroll to place the caret in the centre of the visible region */ new_scroll_y = inline_container->y + text_box->y + text_box->height / 2 - textarea->height / 2; if (textarea->descendant_y1 - textarea->height < new_scroll_y) new_scroll_y = textarea->descendant_y1 - textarea->height; if (new_scroll_y < 0) new_scroll_y = 0; box_y += textarea->scroll_y - new_scroll_y; textarea->gadget->caret_inline_container = inline_container; textarea->gadget->caret_text_box = text_box; textarea->gadget->caret_box_offset = char_offset; textarea->gadget->caret_pixel_offset = pixel_offset; browser_window_place_caret(bw, box_x + inline_container->x + text_box->x + pixel_offset, box_y + inline_container->y + text_box->y, text_box->height, browser_window_textarea_callback, textarea); if (new_scroll_y != textarea->scroll_y) { textarea->scroll_y = new_scroll_y; browser_redraw_box(bw->current_content, textarea); } } /** * Key press callback for text areas. */ void browser_window_textarea_callback(struct browser_window *bw, wchar_t key, void *p) { struct box *textarea = p; struct box *inline_container = textarea->gadget->caret_inline_container; struct box *text_box = textarea->gadget->caret_text_box; struct box *new_br, *new_text, *t; struct box *prev; size_t char_offset = textarea->gadget->caret_box_offset; int pixel_offset = textarea->gadget->caret_pixel_offset; int new_scroll_y; int box_x, box_y; char utf8[5]; unsigned int utf8_len, i; char *text; int width = 0, height = 0; bool reflow = false; /* box_dump(textarea, 0); */ LOG(("key %i at %i in '%.*s'", key, char_offset, (int) text_box->length, text_box->text)); box_coords(textarea, &box_x, &box_y); box_x -= textarea->scroll_x; box_y -= textarea->scroll_y; if (!(key <= 0x001F || (0x007F <= key && key <= 0x009F))) { /* normal character insertion */ /** \todo convert key to UTF-8 properly */ utf8[0] = key; utf8_len = 1; text = realloc(text_box->text, text_box->length + 8); if (!text) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } text_box->text = text; memmove(text_box->text + char_offset + utf8_len, text_box->text + char_offset, text_box->length - char_offset); for (i = 0; i != utf8_len; i++) text_box->text[char_offset + i] = utf8[i]; text_box->length += utf8_len; text_box->text[text_box->length] = 0; text_box->width = UNKNOWN_WIDTH; char_offset += utf8_len; reflow = true; } else if (key == 10 || key == 13) { /* paragraph break */ text = malloc(text_box->length + 1); if (!text) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } new_br = box_create(text_box->style, 0, 0, 0, bw->current_content->data.html.box_pool); new_text = pool_alloc(bw->current_content->data.html.box_pool, sizeof (struct box)); if (!new_text) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } new_br->type = BOX_BR; new_br->style_clone = 1; box_insert_sibling(text_box, new_br); memcpy(new_text, text_box, sizeof (struct box)); new_text->clone = 1; new_text->text = text; memcpy(new_text->text, text_box->text + char_offset, text_box->length - char_offset); new_text->length = text_box->length - char_offset; text_box->length = char_offset; text_box->width = new_text->width = UNKNOWN_WIDTH; box_insert_sibling(new_br, new_text); /* place caret at start of new text box */ text_box = new_text; char_offset = 0; reflow = true; } else if (key == 8 || key == 127) { /* delete to left */ if (char_offset == 0) { /* at the start of a text box */ if (!text_box->prev) /* at very beginning of text area: ignore */ return; if (text_box->prev->type == BOX_BR) { /* previous box is BR: remove it */ t = text_box->prev; t->prev->next = t->next; t->next->prev = t->prev; box_free(t); } /* delete space by merging with previous text box */ prev = text_box->prev; assert(prev->text); text = realloc(prev->text, prev->length + text_box->length + 1); if (!text) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } prev->text = text; memcpy(prev->text + prev->length, text_box->text, text_box->length); char_offset = prev->length; /* caret at join */ prev->length += text_box->length; prev->text[prev->length] = 0; prev->width = UNKNOWN_WIDTH; prev->next = text_box->next; if (prev->next) prev->next->prev = prev; else prev->parent->last = prev; box_free(text_box); /* place caret at join (see above) */ text_box = prev; } else { /* delete a character */ /** \todo delete entire UTF-8 character */ utf8_len = 1; memmove(text_box->text + char_offset - utf8_len, text_box->text + char_offset, text_box->length - char_offset); text_box->length -= utf8_len; text_box->width = UNKNOWN_WIDTH; char_offset -= utf8_len; } reflow = true; } else if (key == 28) { /* Right cursor -> */ if ((unsigned int) char_offset != text_box->length) { /** \todo move by a UTF-8 character */ utf8_len = 1; char_offset += utf8_len; } else { if (!text_box->next) /* at end of text area: ignore */ return; text_box = text_box->next; if (text_box->type == BOX_BR) text_box = text_box->next; char_offset = 0; } } else if (key == 29) { /* Left cursor <- */ if (char_offset != 0) { /** \todo move by a UTF-8 character */ utf8_len = 1; char_offset -= utf8_len; } else { if (!text_box->prev) /* at start of text area: ignore */ return; text_box = text_box->prev; if (text_box->type == BOX_BR) text_box = text_box->prev; char_offset = text_box->length; } } else if (key == 30) { /* Up Cursor */ browser_window_textarea_click(bw, textarea, box_x, box_y, text_box->x + pixel_offset, inline_container->y + text_box->y - 1); return; } else if (key == 31) { /* Down cursor */ browser_window_textarea_click(bw, textarea, box_x, box_y, text_box->x + pixel_offset, inline_container->y + text_box->y + text_box->height + 1); return; } else { return; } /* box_dump(textarea, 0); */ /* for (struct box *t = inline_container->children; t; t = t->next) { assert(t->type == BOX_INLINE); assert(t->text); assert(t->font); assert(t->parent == inline_container); if (t->next) assert(t->next->prev == t); if (t->prev) assert(t->prev->next == t); if (!t->next) { assert(inline_container->last == t); break; } if (t->next->type == BOX_BR) { assert(t->next->next); t = t->next; } } */ if (reflow) { /* reflow textarea preserving width and height */ width = textarea->width; height = textarea->height; if (!layout_inline_container(inline_container, width, textarea, 0, 0, bw->current_content->data.html.box_pool)) warn_user("NoMemory", 0); textarea->width = width; textarea->height = height; layout_calculate_descendant_bboxes(textarea); } if (text_box->length < char_offset) { /* the text box has been split and the caret is in the * second part */ char_offset -= (text_box->length + 1); /* +1 for the space */ text_box = text_box->next; assert(text_box); assert(char_offset <= text_box->length); } /* scroll to place the caret in the centre of the visible region */ new_scroll_y = inline_container->y + text_box->y + text_box->height / 2 - textarea->height / 2; if (textarea->descendant_y1 - textarea->height < new_scroll_y) new_scroll_y = textarea->descendant_y1 - textarea->height; if (new_scroll_y < 0) new_scroll_y = 0; box_y += textarea->scroll_y - new_scroll_y; nsfont_width(text_box->style, text_box->text, char_offset, &pixel_offset); textarea->gadget->caret_inline_container = inline_container; textarea->gadget->caret_text_box = text_box; textarea->gadget->caret_box_offset = char_offset; textarea->gadget->caret_pixel_offset = pixel_offset; browser_window_place_caret(bw, box_x + inline_container->x + text_box->x + pixel_offset, box_y + inline_container->y + text_box->y, text_box->height, browser_window_textarea_callback, textarea); if (new_scroll_y != textarea->scroll_y || reflow) { textarea->scroll_y = new_scroll_y; browser_redraw_box(bw->current_content, textarea); } } /** * Handle clicks in a text or password input box by placing the caret. * * \param bw browser window where click occurred * \param input input box * \param box_x position of input in global document coordinates * \param box_y position of input in global document coordinates * \param x coordinate of click relative to input * \param y coordinate of click relative to input */ void browser_window_input_click(struct browser_window* bw, struct box *input, int box_x, int box_y, int x, int y) { size_t char_offset = 0; int pixel_offset = 0, dx = 0; struct box *text_box = input->children->children; int uchars; unsigned int offset; nsfont_position_in_string(text_box->style, text_box->text, text_box->length, x - text_box->x, &char_offset, &pixel_offset); assert(char_offset <= text_box->length); text_box->x = 0; if ((input->width < text_box->width) && (input->width / 2 < pixel_offset)) { dx = text_box->x; text_box->x = input->width / 2 - pixel_offset; if (text_box->x < input->width - text_box->width) text_box->x = input->width - text_box->width; dx -= text_box->x; } input->gadget->caret_box_offset = char_offset; /* Update caret_form_offset */ for (uchars = 0, offset = 0; offset < char_offset; ++uchars) { if ((text_box->text[offset] & 0x80) == 0x00) { ++offset; continue; } assert((text_box->text[offset] & 0xC0) == 0xC0); for (++offset; offset < char_offset && (text_box->text[offset] & 0xC0) == 0x80; ++offset) ; } /* uchars is the number of real Unicode characters at the left * side of the caret. */ for (offset = 0; uchars > 0 && offset < input->gadget->length; --uchars) { if ((input->gadget->value[offset] & 0x80) == 0x00) { ++offset; continue; } assert((input->gadget->value[offset] & 0xC0) == 0xC0); for (++offset; offset < input->gadget->length && (input->gadget->value[offset] & 0xC0) == 0x80; ++offset) ; } assert(uchars == 0); input->gadget->caret_form_offset = offset; input->gadget->caret_pixel_offset = pixel_offset; browser_window_place_caret(bw, box_x + input->children->x + text_box->x + pixel_offset, box_y + input->children->y + text_box->y, text_box->height, browser_window_input_callback, input); if (dx) browser_redraw_box(bw->current_content, input); } /** * Key press callback for text or password input boxes. */ void browser_window_input_callback(struct browser_window *bw, wchar_t key, void *p) { struct box *input = (struct box *)p; struct box *text_box = input->children->children; unsigned int box_offset = input->gadget->caret_box_offset; unsigned int form_offset = input->gadget->caret_form_offset; int pixel_offset, dx; int box_x, box_y; struct form* form = input->gadget->form; bool changed = false; box_coords(input, &box_x, &box_y); if (!(key <= 0x001F || (0x007F <= key && key <= 0x009F))) { char key_to_insert; char *utf8key; size_t utf8keySize; char *value; /** \todo: text_box has data in UTF-8 and its length in * bytes is not necessarily equal to number of characters. */ if (input->gadget->length >= input->gadget->maxlength) return; /* normal character insertion */ /* Insert key in gadget */ key_to_insert = (char)key; if ((utf8key = cnv_local_enc_str(&key_to_insert, 1)) == NULL) return; utf8keySize = strlen(utf8key); value = realloc(input->gadget->value, input->gadget->length + utf8keySize + 1); if (!value) { free(utf8key); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } input->gadget->value = value; memmove(input->gadget->value + form_offset + utf8keySize, input->gadget->value + form_offset, input->gadget->length - form_offset); memcpy(input->gadget->value + form_offset, utf8key, utf8keySize); input->gadget->length += utf8keySize; input->gadget->value[input->gadget->length] = 0; form_offset += utf8keySize; free(utf8key); /* Insert key in text box */ /* Convert space into NBSP */ key_to_insert = (input->gadget->type == GADGET_PASSWORD) ? '*' : (key == ' ') ? 160 : key; if ((utf8key = cnv_local_enc_str(&key_to_insert, 1)) == NULL) return; utf8keySize = strlen(utf8key); value = realloc(text_box->text, text_box->length + utf8keySize + 1); if (!value) { free(utf8key); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } text_box->text = value; memmove(text_box->text + box_offset + utf8keySize, text_box->text + box_offset, text_box->length - box_offset); memcpy(text_box->text + box_offset, utf8key, utf8keySize); text_box->length += utf8keySize; text_box->text[text_box->length] = 0; box_offset += utf8keySize; free(utf8key); nsfont_width(text_box->style, text_box->text, text_box->length, &text_box->width); changed = true; } else if (key == 8 || key == 127) { /* delete to left */ int prev_offset; if (box_offset == 0) return; /* Gadget */ prev_offset = form_offset; /* Go to the previous valid UTF-8 character */ while (form_offset != 0 && !((input->gadget->value[--form_offset] & 0x80) == 0x00 || (input->gadget->value[form_offset] & 0xC0) == 0xC0)) ; memmove(input->gadget->value + form_offset, input->gadget->value + prev_offset, input->gadget->length - prev_offset); input->gadget->length -= prev_offset - form_offset; input->gadget->value[input->gadget->length] = 0; /* Text box */ prev_offset = box_offset; /* Go to the previous valid UTF-8 character */ while (box_offset != 0 && !((text_box->text[--box_offset] & 0x80) == 0x00 || (text_box->text[box_offset] & 0xC0) == 0xC0)) ; memmove(text_box->text + box_offset, text_box->text + prev_offset, text_box->length - prev_offset); text_box->length -= prev_offset - box_offset; text_box->text[text_box->length] = 0; nsfont_width(text_box->style, text_box->text, text_box->length, &text_box->width); changed = true; } else if (key == 21) { /* Ctrl+U */ text_box->text[0] = 0; text_box->length = 0; box_offset = 0; input->gadget->value[0] = 0; input->gadget->length = 0; form_offset = 0; text_box->width = 0; changed = true; } else if (key == 10 || key == 13) { /* Return/Enter hit */ if (form) browser_form_submit(bw, form, 0); return; } else if (key == 9) { /* Tab */ struct form_control *next_input; for (next_input = input->gadget->next; next_input && next_input->type != GADGET_TEXTBOX && next_input->type != GADGET_TEXTAREA && next_input->type != GADGET_PASSWORD; next_input = next_input->next) ; if (!next_input) return; input = next_input->box; text_box = input->children->children; box_coords(input, &box_x, &box_y); form_offset = box_offset = 0; } else if (key == 11) { /* Shift+Tab */ struct form_control *prev_input; for (prev_input = input->gadget->prev; prev_input && prev_input->type != GADGET_TEXTBOX && prev_input->type != GADGET_TEXTAREA && prev_input->type != GADGET_PASSWORD; prev_input = prev_input->prev) ; if (!prev_input) return; input = prev_input->box; text_box = input->children->children; box_coords(input, &box_x, &box_y); form_offset = box_offset = 0; } else if (key == 26) { /* Ctrl+Left */ box_offset = form_offset = 0; } else if (key == 27) { /* Ctrl+Right */ box_offset = text_box->length; form_offset = input->gadget->length; } else if (key == 28) { /* Right cursor -> */ /* Text box */ /* Go to the next valid UTF-8 character */ while (box_offset != text_box->length && !((text_box->text[++box_offset] & 0x80) == 0x00 || (text_box->text[box_offset] & 0xC0) == 0xC0)) ; /* Gadget */ /* Go to the next valid UTF-8 character */ while (form_offset != input->gadget->length && !((input->gadget->value[++form_offset] & 0x80) == 0x00 || (input->gadget->value[form_offset] & 0xC0) == 0xC0)) ; } else if (key == 29) { /* Left cursor <- */ /* Text box */ /* Go to the previous valid UTF-8 character */ while (box_offset != 0 && !((text_box->text[--box_offset] & 0x80) == 0x00 || (text_box->text[box_offset] & 0xC0) == 0xC0)) ; /* Gadget */ /* Go to the previous valid UTF-8 character */ while (form_offset != 0 && !((input->gadget->value[--form_offset] & 0x80) == 0x00 || (input->gadget->value[form_offset] & 0xC0) == 0xC0)) ; } else { return; } nsfont_width(text_box->style, text_box->text, box_offset, &pixel_offset); dx = text_box->x; text_box->x = 0; if (input->width < text_box->width && input->width / 2 < pixel_offset) { text_box->x = input->width / 2 - pixel_offset; if (text_box->x < input->width - text_box->width) text_box->x = input->width - text_box->width; } dx -= text_box->x; input->gadget->caret_pixel_offset = pixel_offset; input->gadget->caret_box_offset = box_offset; input->gadget->caret_form_offset = form_offset; browser_window_place_caret(bw, box_x + input->children->x + text_box->x + pixel_offset, box_y + input->children->y + text_box->y, text_box->height, browser_window_input_callback, input); if (dx || changed) browser_redraw_box(bw->current_content, input); } /** * Position the caret and assign a callback for key presses. */ void browser_window_place_caret(struct browser_window *bw, int x, int y, int height, void (*callback)(struct browser_window *bw, wchar_t key, void *p), void *p) { gui_window_place_caret(bw->window, x, y, height); bw->caret_callback = callback; bw->caret_p = p; } /** * Removes the caret and callback for key process. */ void browser_window_remove_caret(struct browser_window *bw) { gui_window_remove_caret(bw->window); bw->caret_callback = NULL; bw->caret_p = NULL; } /** * Handle key presses in a browser window. */ bool browser_window_key_press(struct browser_window *bw, wchar_t key) { if (!bw->caret_callback) return false; bw->caret_callback(bw, key, bw->caret_p); return true; } /** * Process a selection from a form select menu. * * \param bw browser window with menu * \param control form control with menu * \param item index of item selected from the menu */ void browser_window_form_select(struct browser_window *bw, struct form_control *control, int item) { struct form_option *o; int count; struct box *inline_box = control->box->children->children; for (count = 0, o = control->data.select.items; o != NULL; count++, o = o->next) { if (!control->data.select.multiple) o->selected = false; if (count == item) { if (control->data.select.multiple) { if (o->selected) { o->selected = false; control->data.select.num_selected--; } else { o->selected = true; control->data.select.num_selected++; } } else { o->selected = true; } } if (o->selected) control->data.select.current = o; } free(inline_box->text); inline_box->text = 0; if (control->data.select.num_selected == 0) inline_box->text = strdup(messages_get("Form_None")); else if (control->data.select.num_selected == 1) inline_box->text = strdup(control->data.select.current->text); else inline_box->text = strdup(messages_get("Form_Many")); if (!inline_box->text) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); inline_box->length = 0; } else inline_box->length = strlen(inline_box->text); inline_box->width = control->box->width; browser_redraw_box(bw->current_content, control->box); } gui_pointer_shape get_pointer_shape(css_cursor cursor) { gui_pointer_shape pointer; switch (cursor) { case CSS_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR: pointer = GUI_POINTER_CROSS; break; case CSS_CURSOR_POINTER: pointer = GUI_POINTER_POINT; break; case CSS_CURSOR_MOVE: pointer = GUI_POINTER_MOVE; break; case CSS_CURSOR_E_RESIZE: case CSS_CURSOR_W_RESIZE: pointer = GUI_POINTER_LR; break; case CSS_CURSOR_N_RESIZE: case CSS_CURSOR_S_RESIZE: pointer = GUI_POINTER_UD; break; case CSS_CURSOR_NE_RESIZE: case CSS_CURSOR_SW_RESIZE: pointer = GUI_POINTER_LD; break; case CSS_CURSOR_SE_RESIZE: case CSS_CURSOR_NW_RESIZE: pointer = GUI_POINTER_RD; break; case CSS_CURSOR_TEXT: pointer = GUI_POINTER_CARET; break; default: pointer = GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT; break; } return pointer; } /** * Collect controls and submit a form. */ void browser_form_submit(struct browser_window *bw, struct form *form, struct form_control *submit_button) { char *data = 0, *url = 0, *url1 = 0, *base; struct form_successful_control *success; url_func_result res; assert(form); assert(bw->current_content->type == CONTENT_HTML); if (!form_successful_controls(form, submit_button, &success)) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } base = bw->current_content->data.html.base_url; switch (form->method) { case method_GET: data = form_url_encode(success); if (!data) { form_free_successful(success); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } url = calloc(1, strlen(form->action) + strlen(data) + 2); if (!url) { form_free_successful(success); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } if(form->action[strlen(form->action)-1] == '?') { sprintf(url, "%s%s", form->action, data); } else { sprintf(url, "%s?%s", form->action, data); } res = url_join(url, base, &url1); if (res != URL_FUNC_OK) break; browser_window_go(bw, url1, bw->current_content->url); break; case method_POST_URLENC: data = form_url_encode(success); if (!data) { form_free_successful(success); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } res = url_join(form->action, base, &url); if (res != URL_FUNC_OK) break; browser_window_go_post(bw, url, data, 0, true, bw->current_content->url, false); break; case method_POST_MULTIPART: res = url_join(form->action, base, &url); if (res != URL_FUNC_OK) break; browser_window_go_post(bw, url, 0, success, true, bw->current_content->url, false); break; default: assert(0); } form_free_successful(success); free(data); free(url); free(url1); }