/* * Copyright 2014 Vincent Sanders * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "content/hlcache.h" #include "desktop/download.h" #include "desktop/gui_factory.h" /** The global GUI interface table */ struct gui_table *guit = NULL; static void gui_default_window_set_title(struct gui_window *g, const char *title) { } static void gui_default_window_set_url(struct gui_window *g, const char *url) { } static void gui_default_window_start_throbber(struct gui_window *g) { } static void gui_default_window_stop_throbber(struct gui_window *g) { } static bool gui_default_window_drag_start(struct gui_window *g, gui_drag_type type, const struct rect *rect) { return true; } static void gui_default_window_save_link(struct gui_window *g, const char *url, const char *title) { } static void gui_default_window_set_icon(struct gui_window *g, hlcache_handle *icon) { } static void gui_default_window_scroll_visible(struct gui_window *g, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { guit->window->set_scroll(g, x0, y0); } static void gui_default_window_new_content(struct gui_window *g) { } static bool gui_default_window_scroll_start(struct gui_window *g) { return true; } static void gui_default_window_set_pointer(struct gui_window *g, gui_pointer_shape shape) { } static void gui_default_window_set_status(struct gui_window *g, const char *text) { } static void gui_default_window_place_caret(struct gui_window *g, int x, int y, int height, const struct rect *clip) { } static void gui_default_window_remove_caret(struct gui_window *g) { } static void gui_default_window_file_gadget_open(struct gui_window *g, hlcache_handle *hl, struct form_control *gadget) { } static void gui_default_window_drag_save_object(struct gui_window *g, hlcache_handle *c, gui_save_type type) { } static void gui_default_window_drag_save_selection(struct gui_window *g, const char *selection) { } static void gui_default_window_start_selection(struct gui_window *g) { } /** verify window table is valid */ static nserror verify_window_register(struct gui_window_table *gwt) { /* check table is present */ if (gwt == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } /* check the mandantory fields are set */ if (gwt->create == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gwt->destroy == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gwt->redraw == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gwt->update == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gwt->get_scroll == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gwt->set_scroll == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gwt->get_dimensions == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gwt->update_extent == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } /* fill in the optional entries with defaults */ if (gwt->set_title == NULL) { gwt->set_title = gui_default_window_set_title; } if (gwt->set_url == NULL) { gwt->set_url = gui_default_window_set_url; } if (gwt->set_icon == NULL) { gwt->set_icon = gui_default_window_set_icon; } if (gwt->set_status == NULL) { gwt->set_status = gui_default_window_set_status; } if (gwt->set_pointer == NULL) { gwt->set_pointer = gui_default_window_set_pointer; } if (gwt->place_caret == NULL) { gwt->place_caret = gui_default_window_place_caret; } if (gwt->remove_caret == NULL) { gwt->remove_caret = gui_default_window_remove_caret; } if (gwt->start_throbber == NULL) { gwt->start_throbber = gui_default_window_start_throbber; } if (gwt->stop_throbber == NULL) { gwt->stop_throbber = gui_default_window_stop_throbber; } if (gwt->drag_start == NULL) { gwt->drag_start = gui_default_window_drag_start; } if (gwt->save_link == NULL) { gwt->save_link = gui_default_window_save_link; } if (gwt->scroll_visible == NULL) { gwt->scroll_visible = gui_default_window_scroll_visible; } if (gwt->new_content == NULL) { gwt->new_content = gui_default_window_new_content; } if (gwt->scroll_start == NULL) { gwt->scroll_start = gui_default_window_scroll_start; } if (gwt->file_gadget_open == NULL) { gwt->file_gadget_open = gui_default_window_file_gadget_open; } if (gwt->drag_save_object == NULL) { gwt->drag_save_object = gui_default_window_drag_save_object; } if (gwt->drag_save_selection == NULL) { gwt->drag_save_selection = gui_default_window_drag_save_selection; } if (gwt->start_selection == NULL) { gwt->start_selection = gui_default_window_start_selection; } return NSERROR_OK; } static struct gui_download_window * gui_default_download_create(download_context *ctx, struct gui_window *parent) { return NULL; } static nserror gui_default_download_data(struct gui_download_window *dw, const char *data, unsigned int size) { return NSERROR_OK; } static void gui_default_download_error(struct gui_download_window *dw, const char *error_msg) { } static void gui_default_download_done(struct gui_download_window *dw) { } /** verify download window table is valid */ static nserror verify_download_register(struct gui_download_table *gdt) { /* check table is present */ if (gdt == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } /* all enties are mandantory */ if (gdt->create == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gdt->data == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gdt->error == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gdt->done == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } return NSERROR_OK; } static void gui_default_get_clipboard(char **buffer, size_t *length) { *buffer = NULL; *length = 0; } static void gui_default_set_clipboard(const char *buffer, size_t length, nsclipboard_styles styles[], int n_styles) { } static struct gui_clipboard_table default_clipboard_table = { .get = gui_default_get_clipboard, .set = gui_default_set_clipboard, }; /** verify clipboard table is valid */ static nserror verify_clipboard_register(struct gui_clipboard_table *gct) { /* check table is present */ if (gct == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } /* optional operations */ if (gct->get == NULL) { gct->get = gui_default_get_clipboard; } if (gct->set == NULL) { gct->set = gui_default_set_clipboard; } return NSERROR_OK; } /** * The default utf8 conversion implementation. * * The default implementation assumes the local encoding is utf8 * allowing the conversion to be a simple copy. * * @param [in] string The source string. * @param [in] len The \a string length or 0 to compute it. * @param [out] result A pointer to the converted string. * @result NSERROR_OK or NSERROR_NOMEM if memory could not be allocated. */ static nserror gui_default_utf8(const char *string, size_t len, char **result) { assert(string && result); if (len == 0) len = strlen(string); *result = strndup(string, len); if (!(*result)) return NSERROR_NOMEM; return NSERROR_OK; } static struct gui_utf8_table default_utf8_table = { .utf8_to_local = gui_default_utf8, .local_to_utf8 = gui_default_utf8, }; /** verify clipboard table is valid */ static nserror verify_utf8_register(struct gui_utf8_table *gut) { /* check table is present */ if (gut == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } /* mandantory operations */ if (gut->utf8_to_local == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gut->local_to_utf8 == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } return NSERROR_OK; } static void gui_default_status(bool found, void *p) { } static void gui_default_hourglass(bool active, void *p) { } static void gui_default_add_recent(const char *string, void *p) { } static void gui_default_forward_state(bool active, void *p) { } static void gui_default_back_state(bool active, void *p) { } static struct gui_search_table default_search_table = { .status = gui_default_status, .hourglass = gui_default_hourglass, .add_recent = gui_default_add_recent, .forward_state = gui_default_forward_state, .back_state = gui_default_back_state, }; /** verify search table is valid */ static nserror verify_search_register(struct gui_search_table *gst) { /* check table is present */ if (gst == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } /* fill in the optional entries with defaults */ if (gst->status == NULL) { gst->status = default_search_table.status; } if (gst->hourglass == NULL) { gst->hourglass = default_search_table.hourglass; } if (gst->add_recent == NULL) { gst->add_recent = default_search_table.add_recent; } if (gst->forward_state == NULL) { gst->forward_state = default_search_table.forward_state; } if (gst->back_state == NULL) { gst->back_state = default_search_table.back_state; } return NSERROR_OK; } static nsurl *gui_default_get_resource_url(const char *path) { return NULL; } static char *gui_default_mimetype(const char *path) { return strdup(guit->fetch->filetype(path)); } /** verify fetch table is valid */ static nserror verify_fetch_register(struct gui_fetch_table *gft) { /* check table is present */ if (gft == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } /* check the mandantory fields are set */ if (gft->filename_from_path == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gft->path_add_part == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gft->filetype == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gft->path_to_url == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gft->url_to_path == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } /* fill in the optional entries with defaults */ if (gft->get_resource_url == NULL) { gft->get_resource_url = gui_default_get_resource_url; } if (gft->mimetype == NULL) { gft->mimetype = gui_default_mimetype; } return NSERROR_OK; } static void gui_default_quit(void) { } static void gui_default_set_search_ico(hlcache_handle *ico) { } static void gui_default_launch_url(const char *url) { } static void gui_default_create_form_select_menu(struct browser_window *bw, struct form_control *control) { } static void gui_default_cert_verify(nsurl *url, const struct ssl_cert_info *certs, unsigned long num, nserror (*cb)(bool proceed, void *pw), void *cbpw) { cb(false, cbpw); } static void gui_default_401login_open(nsurl *url, const char *realm, nserror (*cb)(bool proceed, void *pw), void *cbpw) { cb(false, cbpw); } static struct gui_download_table default_download_table = { .create = gui_default_download_create, .data = gui_default_download_data, .error = gui_default_download_error, .done = gui_default_download_done, }; /** verify browser table is valid */ static nserror verify_browser_register(struct gui_browser_table *gbt) { /* check table is present */ if (gbt == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } /* check the mandantory fields are set */ if (gbt->poll == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } if (gbt->schedule == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } /* fill in the optional entries with defaults */ if (gbt->quit == NULL) { gbt->quit = gui_default_quit; } if (gbt->set_search_ico == NULL) { gbt->set_search_ico = gui_default_set_search_ico; } if (gbt->launch_url == NULL) { gbt->launch_url = gui_default_launch_url; } if (gbt->create_form_select_menu == NULL) { gbt->create_form_select_menu = gui_default_create_form_select_menu; } if (gbt->cert_verify == NULL) { gbt->cert_verify = gui_default_cert_verify; } if (gbt->login == NULL) { gbt->login = gui_default_401login_open; } return NSERROR_OK; } /* exported interface documented in desktop/gui_factory.h */ nserror gui_factory_register(struct gui_table *gt) { nserror err; /* ensure not already initialised */ if (guit != NULL) { return NSERROR_INIT_FAILED; } /* check table is present */ if (gt == NULL) { return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; } /* browser table */ err = verify_browser_register(gt->browser); if (err != NSERROR_OK) { return err; } /* window table */ err = verify_window_register(gt->window); if (err != NSERROR_OK) { return err; } /* fetch table */ err = verify_fetch_register(gt->fetch); if (err != NSERROR_OK) { return err; } /* download table */ if (gt->download == NULL) { /* set default download table */ gt->download = &default_download_table; } err = verify_download_register(gt->download); if (err != NSERROR_OK) { return err; } /* clipboard table */ if (gt->clipboard == NULL) { /* set default clipboard table */ gt->clipboard = &default_clipboard_table; } err = verify_clipboard_register(gt->clipboard); if (err != NSERROR_OK) { return err; } /* utf8 table */ if (gt->utf8 == NULL) { /* set default utf8 table */ gt->utf8 = &default_utf8_table; } err = verify_utf8_register(gt->utf8); if (err != NSERROR_OK) { return err; } /* search table */ if (gt->search == NULL) { /* set default search table */ gt->search = &default_search_table; } err = verify_search_register(gt->search); if (err != NSERROR_OK) { return err; } guit = gt; return NSERROR_OK; }