/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2006 James Bursa * Copyright 2005 Richard Wilson */ /** \file * Browser history tree (implementation). */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "netsurf/content/content.h" #include "netsurf/content/urldb.h" #include "netsurf/css/css.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/gui.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/history_core.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/plotters.h" #include "netsurf/image/bitmap.h" #include "netsurf/render/font.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/url.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" #define WIDTH 100 #define HEIGHT 86 #define RIGHT_MARGIN 50 #define BOTTOM_MARGIN 30 /** A node in the history tree. */ struct history_entry { char *url; /**< Page URL. */ char *frag_id; /** Fragment identifier */ char *title; /**< Page title. */ struct history_entry *back; /**< Parent. */ struct history_entry *next; /**< Next sibling. */ struct history_entry *forward; /**< First child. */ struct history_entry *forward_pref; /**< Child in direction of current entry. */ struct history_entry *forward_last; /**< Last child. */ unsigned int children; /**< Number of children. */ int x; /**< Position of node. */ int y; /**< Position of node. */ struct bitmap *bitmap; /**< Thumbnail bitmap, or 0. */ }; /** History tree for a window. */ struct history { /** First page in tree (page that window opened with). */ struct history_entry *start; /** Current position in tree. */ struct history_entry *current; /** Width of layout. */ int width; /** Height of layout. */ int height; }; static void history_free_entry(struct history_entry *entry); static void history_go(struct browser_window *bw, struct history *history, struct history_entry *entry, bool new_window); static void history_layout(struct history *history); static int history_layout_subtree(struct history *history, struct history_entry *entry, int x, int y, bool shuffle); static bool history_redraw_entry(struct history *history, struct history_entry *entry); static struct history_entry *history_find_position(struct history_entry *entry, int x, int y); /** * Create a new history tree for a window. * * \return pointer to an opaque history structure, 0 on failure. */ struct history *history_create(void) { struct history *history; history = malloc(sizeof *history); if (!history) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return 0; } history->start = 0; history->current = 0; return history; } /** * Insert a url into the history tree. * * \param history opaque history structure, as returned by history_create() * \param content content to add to history * \param frag_id fragment identifier * * The page is added after the current entry and becomes current. */ void history_add(struct history *history, struct content *content, char *frag_id) { url_func_result res; struct history_entry *entry; char *url; char *title; const struct bitmap *bitmap; assert(history); assert(content); /* allocate space */ entry = malloc(sizeof *entry); res = url_normalize(content->url, &url); if (res != URL_FUNC_OK) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } title = strdup(content->title ? content->title : url); if (!entry || !url || !title) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); free(entry); free(url); free(title); return; } entry->url = url; entry->frag_id = frag_id ? strdup(frag_id) : 0; entry->title = title; entry->back = history->current; entry->next = 0; entry->forward = entry->forward_pref = entry->forward_last = 0; entry->children = 0; entry->bitmap = 0; if (history->current) { if (history->current->forward_last) history->current->forward_last->next = entry; else history->current->forward = entry; history->current->forward_pref = entry; history->current->forward_last = entry; history->current->children++; } else { history->start = entry; } history->current = entry; /* if we have a thumbnail, don't update until the page has finished * loading */ bitmap = urldb_get_thumbnail(url); if (!bitmap) { bitmap = bitmap_create(WIDTH, HEIGHT, BITMAP_NEW | BITMAP_CLEAR_MEMORY | BITMAP_OPAQUE | BITMAP_PERSISTENT); if (!bitmap) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } thumbnail_create(content, bitmap, url); } entry->bitmap = bitmap; history_layout(history); } /** * Update the thumbnail for the current entry. * * \param history opaque history structure, as returned by history_create() * \param content content for current entry */ void history_update(struct history *history, struct content *content) { if (!history || !history->current || !history->current->bitmap) return; thumbnail_create(content, history->current->bitmap, 0); } /** * Free a history structure. * * \param history opaque history structure, as returned by history_create() */ void history_destroy(struct history *history) { if (!history) return; history_free_entry(history->start); free(history); } /** * Free an entry in the tree recursively. */ void history_free_entry(struct history_entry *entry) { if (!entry) return; history_free_entry(entry->forward); history_free_entry(entry->next); free(entry->url); if (entry->frag_id) free(entry->frag_id); free(entry->title); free(entry); } /** * Go back in the history. * * \param bw browser window * \param history history of the window */ void history_back(struct browser_window *bw, struct history *history) { if (!history || !history->current || !history->current->back) return; history_go(bw, history, history->current->back, false); } /** * Go forward in the history. * * \param bw browser window * \param history history of the window */ void history_forward(struct browser_window *bw, struct history *history) { if (!history || !history->current || !history->current->forward_pref) return; history_go(bw, history, history->current->forward_pref, false); } /** * Check whether it is pssible to go back in the history. * * \param history history of the window * \return true if the history can go back, false otherwise */ bool history_back_available(struct history *history) { return (history && history->current && history->current->back); } /** * Check whether it is pssible to go forwards in the history. * * \param history history of the window * \return true if the history can go forwards, false otherwise */ bool history_forward_available(struct history *history) { return (history && history->current && history->current->forward_pref); } /** * Open a history entry in the specified browser window * * \param bw browser window * \param history history containing entry * \param entry entry to open * \param new_window open entry in new window */ void history_go(struct browser_window *bw, struct history *history, struct history_entry *entry, bool new_window) { char *url; if (entry->frag_id) { url = malloc(strlen(entry->url) + strlen(entry->frag_id) + 5); if (!url) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } sprintf(url, "%s#%s", entry->url, entry->frag_id); } else url = entry->url; if (new_window) browser_window_create(url, bw, 0); else { history->current = entry; browser_window_go_post(bw, url, 0, 0, false, 0, false); } if (entry->frag_id) free(url); } /** * Compute node positions. * * \param history history to layout * * Each node's x and y are filled in. */ void history_layout(struct history *history) { time_t t = time(0); struct tm *tp = localtime(&t); bool shuffle = tp->tm_mon == 3 && tp->tm_mday == 1; history->width = 0; history->height = history_layout_subtree(history, history->start, RIGHT_MARGIN / 2, BOTTOM_MARGIN / 2, shuffle); if (shuffle) { history->width = 600 + WIDTH; history->height = 400 + HEIGHT; } history->width += RIGHT_MARGIN / 2; history->height += BOTTOM_MARGIN / 2; } /** * Recursively position a subtree. * * \param history history being laid out * \param entry subtree to position * \param x x position for entry * \param y smallest available y * \param shuffle shuffle layout * \return greatest y used by subtree */ int history_layout_subtree(struct history *history, struct history_entry *entry, int x, int y, bool shuffle) { struct history_entry *child; int y1 = y; if (history->width < x + WIDTH) history->width = x + WIDTH; if (!entry->forward) { entry->x = x; entry->y = y; if (shuffle) { entry->x = rand() % 600; entry->y = rand() % 400; } return y + HEIGHT; } /* layout child subtrees below each other */ for (child = entry->forward; child; child = child->next) { y1 = history_layout_subtree(history, child, x + WIDTH + RIGHT_MARGIN, y1, shuffle); if (child->next) y1 += BOTTOM_MARGIN; } /* place ourselves in the middle */ entry->x = x; entry->y = (y + y1) / 2 - HEIGHT / 2; if (shuffle) { entry->x = rand() % 600; entry->y = rand() % 400; } return y1; } /** * Get the dimensions of a history. * * \param history history to measure * \param width updated to width * \param height updated to height */ void history_size(struct history *history, int *width, int *height) { *width = history->width; *height = history->height; } /** * Redraw a history. * * \param history history to render * * The current plotter is used. */ bool history_redraw(struct history *history) { if (!history->start) return true; return history_redraw_entry(history, history->start); } /** * Recursively redraw a history_entry. * * \param history history containing the entry * \param history_entry entry to render */ bool history_redraw_entry(struct history *history, struct history_entry *entry) { size_t char_offset; int actual_x; struct history_entry *child; colour c = entry == history->current ? 0x0000ff : 0x333333; int tailsize = 5; if (!plot.bitmap(entry->x, entry->y, WIDTH, HEIGHT, entry->bitmap, 0xffffff)) return false; if (!plot.rectangle(entry->x - 1, entry->y - 1, WIDTH + 1, HEIGHT + 1, entry == history->current ? 2 : 1, c, false, false)) return false; if (!nsfont_position_in_string(&css_base_style, entry->title, strlen(entry->title), WIDTH, &char_offset, &actual_x)) return false; if (!plot.text(entry->x, entry->y + HEIGHT + 12, &css_base_style, entry->title, char_offset, 0xffffff, c)) return false; for (child = entry->forward; child; child = child->next) { if (!plot.line(entry->x + WIDTH, entry->y + HEIGHT / 2, entry->x + WIDTH + tailsize, entry->y + HEIGHT / 2, 1, 0x333333, false, false)) return false; if (!plot.line(entry->x + WIDTH + tailsize, entry->y + HEIGHT / 2, child->x - tailsize, child->y + HEIGHT / 2, 1, 0x333333, false, false)) return false; if (!plot.line(child->x - tailsize, child->y + HEIGHT / 2, child->x, child->y + HEIGHT / 2, 1, 0x333333, false, false)) return false; if (!history_redraw_entry(history, child)) return false; } return true; } /** * Handle a mouse click in a history. * * \param bw browser window containing history * \param history history that was clicked in * \param x click coordinate * \param y click coordinate * \param new_window open a new window instead of using bw * \return true if action was taken, false if click was not on an entry */ bool history_click(struct browser_window *bw, struct history *history, int x, int y, bool new_window) { struct history_entry *entry; entry = history_find_position(history->start, x, y); if (!entry) return false; if (entry == history->current) return false; history_go(bw, history, entry, new_window); return true; } /** * Determine the URL of the entry at a position. * * \param history history to search * \param x coordinate * \param y coordinate * \return URL, or 0 if no entry at (x, y) */ const char *history_position_url(struct history *history, int x, int y) { struct history_entry *entry; entry = history_find_position(history->start, x, y); if (!entry) return 0; return entry->url; } /** * Find the history entry at a position. * * \param entry entry to search from * \param x coordinate * \param y coordinate * \return an entry if found, 0 if none */ struct history_entry *history_find_position(struct history_entry *entry, int x, int y) { struct history_entry *child; struct history_entry *found; if (entry->x <= x && x <= entry->x + WIDTH && entry->y <= y && y <= entry->y + HEIGHT) return entry; for (child = entry->forward; child; child = child->next) { found = history_find_position(child, x, y); if (found) return found; } return 0; }