/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf-browser.org/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2007 James Bursa */ /** \file * Content for image/svg (implementation). */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/config.h" #include "content/content.h" #include "css/css.h" #include "desktop/plotters.h" #include "desktop/options.h" #include "image/svg.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/utils.h" struct svg_redraw_state { /* screen origin */ int origin_x; int origin_y; float viewport_width; float viewport_height; /* current transformation matrix */ struct { float a, b, c, d, e, f; } ctm; struct css_style style; /* paint attributes */ colour fill; colour stroke; int stroke_width; }; static bool svg_redraw_svg(xmlNode *svg, struct svg_redraw_state state); static bool svg_redraw_rect(xmlNode *rect, struct svg_redraw_state state); static bool svg_redraw_circle(xmlNode *circle, struct svg_redraw_state state); static bool svg_redraw_line(xmlNode *line, struct svg_redraw_state state); static bool svg_redraw_text(xmlNode *text, struct svg_redraw_state state); static void svg_parse_position_attributes(const xmlNode *node, const struct svg_redraw_state state, float *x, float *y, float *width, float *height); static float svg_parse_length(const xmlChar *s, int viewport_size, const struct svg_redraw_state state); static void svg_parse_paint_attributes(const xmlNode *node, struct svg_redraw_state *state); static void svg_parse_color(const char *s, colour *c); static void svg_parse_font_attributes(const xmlNode *node, struct svg_redraw_state *state); /** * Create a CONTENT_SVG. */ bool svg_create(struct content *c, const char *params[]) { c->data.svg.doc = 0; c->data.svg.svg = 0; return true; } /** * Convert a CONTENT_SVG for display. */ bool svg_convert(struct content *c, int w, int h) { xmlDoc *document; xmlNode *svg; union content_msg_data msg_data; /* parse XML to tree */ document = xmlReadMemory(c->source_data, c->source_size, c->url, 0, XML_PARSE_NONET | XML_PARSE_COMPACT); if (!document) { LOG(("xmlReadMemory failed")); msg_data.error = messages_get("ParsingFail"); content_broadcast(c, CONTENT_MSG_ERROR, msg_data); return false; } c->data.svg.doc = document; xmlDebugDumpDocument(stderr, document); /* find root element */ for (svg = document->children; svg && svg->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE; svg = svg->next) continue; if (!svg) { LOG(("no element in svg")); msg_data.error = "no element in svg"; content_broadcast(c, CONTENT_MSG_ERROR, msg_data); return false; } if (strcmp(svg->name, "svg") != 0) { LOG(("root element is not svg")); msg_data.error = "root element is not svg"; content_broadcast(c, CONTENT_MSG_ERROR, msg_data); return false; } c->data.svg.svg = svg; /* get graphic dimensions */ struct svg_redraw_state state; state.viewport_width = w; state.viewport_height = h; float x, y, width, height; svg_parse_position_attributes(svg, state, &x, &y, &width, &height); c->width = width; c->height = height; /*c->title = malloc(100); if (c->title) snprintf(c->title, 100, messages_get("svgTitle"), width, height, c->source_size);*/ //c->size += ?; c->status = CONTENT_STATUS_DONE; return true; } /** * Redraw a CONTENT_SVG. */ bool svg_redraw(struct content *c, int x, int y, int width, int height, int clip_x0, int clip_y0, int clip_x1, int clip_y1, float scale, unsigned long background_colour) { assert(c->data.svg.svg); struct svg_redraw_state state; state.origin_x = x; state.origin_y = y; state.viewport_width = width; state.viewport_height = height; state.ctm.a = 1; state.ctm.b = 0; state.ctm.c = 0; state.ctm.d = 1; state.ctm.e = 0; state.ctm.f = 0; state.style = css_base_style; state.style.font_size.value.length.value = option_font_size * 0.1; state.fill = 0x000000; state.stroke = TRANSPARENT; state.stroke_width = 1; return svg_redraw_svg(c->data.svg.svg, state); } /** * Redraw a or element node. */ bool svg_redraw_svg(xmlNode *svg, struct svg_redraw_state state) { float x, y; svg_parse_position_attributes(svg, state, &x, &y, &state.viewport_width, &state.viewport_height); svg_parse_paint_attributes(svg, &state); svg_parse_font_attributes(svg, &state); /* parse viewBox */ xmlAttr *view_box = xmlHasProp(svg, (const xmlChar *) "viewBox"); if (view_box) { const char *s = (const char *) view_box->children->content; float min_x, min_y, width, height; if (sscanf(s, "%f,%f,%f,%f", &min_x, &min_y, &width, &height) == 4 || sscanf(s, "%f %f %f %f", &min_x, &min_y, &width, &height) == 4) { state.ctm.a = state.viewport_width / width; state.ctm.d = state.viewport_height / height; state.ctm.e = -min_x; state.ctm.f = -min_y; } } for (xmlNode *child = svg->children; child; child = child->next) { bool ok = true; if (child->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { if (strcmp(child->name, "svg") == 0) ok = svg_redraw_svg(child, state); else if (strcmp(child->name, "g") == 0) ok = svg_redraw_svg(child, state); else if (strcmp(child->name, "rect") == 0) ok = svg_redraw_rect(child, state); else if (strcmp(child->name, "circle") == 0) ok = svg_redraw_circle(child, state); else if (strcmp(child->name, "line") == 0) ok = svg_redraw_line(child, state); else if (strcmp(child->name, "text") == 0) ok = svg_redraw_text(child, state); } if (!ok) return false; } return true; } /** * Redraw a element node. */ bool svg_redraw_rect(xmlNode *rect, struct svg_redraw_state state) { float x, y, width, height; svg_parse_position_attributes(rect, state, &x, &y, &width, &height); svg_parse_paint_attributes(rect, &state); int p[8] = { x, y, x + width, y, x + width, y + height, x, y + height }; for (unsigned int i = 0; i != 8; i += 2) { p[i] = state.origin_x + state.ctm.a * p[i] + state.ctm.c * p[i+1] + state.ctm.e; p[i+1] = state.origin_y + state.ctm.b * p[i] + state.ctm.d * p[i+1] + state.ctm.f; } if (state.fill != TRANSPARENT) if (!plot.polygon(p, 4, state.fill)) return false; if (state.stroke != TRANSPARENT) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i != 8; i += 2) { if (!plot.line(p[i], p[i+1], p[(i+2)%8], p[(i+3)%8], state.stroke_width, state.stroke, false, false)) return false; } } return true; } /** * Redraw a element node. */ bool svg_redraw_circle(xmlNode *circle, struct svg_redraw_state state) { float x = 0, y = 0, r = 0; for (xmlAttr *attr = circle->properties; attr; attr = attr->next) { if (strcmp(attr->name, "cx") == 0) x = svg_parse_length(attr->children->content, state.viewport_width, state); else if (strcmp(attr->name, "cy") == 0) y = svg_parse_length(attr->children->content, state.viewport_height, state); else if (strcmp(attr->name, "r") == 0) r = svg_parse_length(attr->children->content, state.viewport_width, state); } svg_parse_paint_attributes(circle, &state); int px = state.origin_x + state.ctm.a * x + state.ctm.c * y + state.ctm.e; int py = state.origin_y + state.ctm.b * x + state.ctm.d * y + state.ctm.f; int pr = r * state.ctm.a; if (state.fill != TRANSPARENT) if (!plot.disc(px, py, pr, state.fill, true)) return false; if (state.stroke != TRANSPARENT) if (!plot.disc(px, py, pr, state.stroke, false)) return false; return true; } /** * Redraw a element node. */ bool svg_redraw_line(xmlNode *line, struct svg_redraw_state state) { float x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0; for (xmlAttr *attr = line->properties; attr; attr = attr->next) { if (strcmp(attr->name, "x1") == 0) x1 = svg_parse_length(attr->children->content, state.viewport_width, state); else if (strcmp(attr->name, "y1") == 0) y1 = svg_parse_length(attr->children->content, state.viewport_height, state); else if (strcmp(attr->name, "x2") == 0) x2 = svg_parse_length(attr->children->content, state.viewport_width, state); else if (strcmp(attr->name, "y2") == 0) y2 = svg_parse_length(attr->children->content, state.viewport_height, state); } svg_parse_paint_attributes(line, &state); int px1 = state.origin_x + state.ctm.a * x1 + state.ctm.c * y1 + state.ctm.e; int py1 = state.origin_y + state.ctm.b * x1 + state.ctm.d * y1 + state.ctm.f; int px2 = state.origin_x + state.ctm.a * x2 + state.ctm.c * y2 + state.ctm.e; int py2 = state.origin_y + state.ctm.b * x2 + state.ctm.d * y2 + state.ctm.f; return plot.line(px1, py1, px2, py2, state.stroke_width, state.stroke, false, false); } /** * Redraw a or element node. */ bool svg_redraw_text(xmlNode *text, struct svg_redraw_state state) { float x, y, width, height; svg_parse_position_attributes(text, state, &x, &y, &width, &height); svg_parse_font_attributes(text, &state); int px = state.origin_x + state.ctm.a * x + state.ctm.c * y + state.ctm.e; int py = state.origin_y + state.ctm.b * x + state.ctm.d * y + state.ctm.f; state.ctm.e = px - state.origin_x; state.ctm.f = py - state.origin_y; struct css_style style = state.style; style.font_size.value.length.value *= state.ctm.a; for (xmlNode *child = text->children; child; child = child->next) { bool ok = true; if (child->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) { ok = plot.text(px, py, &css_base_style, child->content, strlen(child->content), 0xffffff, 0x000000); } else if (child->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && strcmp(child->name, "tspan") == 0) { ok = svg_redraw_text(child, state); } if (!ok) return false; } return true; } /** * Parse x, y, width, and height attributes, if present. */ void svg_parse_position_attributes(const xmlNode *node, const struct svg_redraw_state state, float *x, float *y, float *width, float *height) { *x = 0; *y = 0; *width = state.viewport_width; *height = state.viewport_height; for (xmlAttr *attr = node->properties; attr; attr = attr->next) { if (strcmp(attr->name, "x") == 0) *x = svg_parse_length(attr->children->content, state.viewport_width, state); else if (strcmp(attr->name, "y") == 0) *y = svg_parse_length(attr->children->content, state.viewport_height, state); else if (strcmp(attr->name, "width") == 0) *width = svg_parse_length(attr->children->content, state.viewport_width, state); else if (strcmp(attr->name, "height") == 0) *height = svg_parse_length(attr->children->content, state.viewport_height, state); } } /** * Parse a length as a number of pixels. */ float svg_parse_length(const xmlChar *s, int viewport_size, const struct svg_redraw_state state) { int num_length = strspn(s, "0123456789+-."); const xmlChar *unit = s + num_length; float n = atof((const char *) s); float font_size = css_len2px(&state.style.font_size.value.length, 0); if (unit[0] == 0) { return n; } else if (unit[0] == '%') { return n / 100.0 * viewport_size; } else if (unit[0] == 'e' && unit[1] == 'm') { return n * font_size; } else if (unit[0] == 'e' && unit[1] == 'x') { return n / 2.0 * font_size; } else if (unit[0] == 'p' && unit[1] == 'x') { return n; } else if (unit[0] == 'p' && unit[1] == 't') { return n * 1.25; } else if (unit[0] == 'p' && unit[1] == 'c') { return n * 15.0; } else if (unit[0] == 'm' && unit[1] == 'm') { return n * 3.543307; } else if (unit[0] == 'c' && unit[1] == 'm') { return n * 35.43307; } else if (unit[0] == 'i' && unit[1] == 'n') { return n * 90; } return 0; } /** * Parse paint attributes, if present. */ void svg_parse_paint_attributes(const xmlNode *node, struct svg_redraw_state *state) { for (const xmlAttr *attr = node->properties; attr; attr = attr->next) { if (strcmp(attr->name, "fill") == 0) svg_parse_color((const char *) attr->children->content, &state->fill); else if (strcmp(attr->name, "stroke") == 0) svg_parse_color((const char *) attr->children->content, &state->stroke); else if (strcmp(attr->name, "stroke-width") == 0) state->stroke_width = svg_parse_length( attr->children->content, state->viewport_width, *state); } } /** * Parse a colour. */ void svg_parse_color(const char *s, colour *c) { unsigned int r, g, b; float rf, gf, bf; size_t len = strlen(s); if (len == 4 && s[0] == '#') { if (sscanf(s + 1, "%1x%1x%1x", &r, &g, &b) == 3) *c = (b << 20) | (b << 16) | (g << 12) | (g << 8) | (r << 4) | r; } else if (len == 7 && s[0] == '#') { if (sscanf(s + 1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b) == 3) *c = (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r; } else if (10 <= len && s[0] == 'r' && s[1] == 'g' && s[2] == 'b' && s[3] == '(' && s[len - 1] == ')') { if (sscanf(s + 4, "%i,%i,%i", &r, &g, &b) == 3) *c = (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r; else if (sscanf(s + 4, "%f%%,%f%%,%f%%", &rf, &gf, &bf) == 3) { b = bf * 255 / 100; g = gf * 255 / 100; r = rf * 255 / 100; *c = (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r; } } else { *c = named_colour(s); } } /** * Parse font attributes, if present. */ void svg_parse_font_attributes(const xmlNode *node, struct svg_redraw_state *state) { for (const xmlAttr *attr = node->properties; attr; attr = attr->next) { if (strcmp(attr->name, "font-size") == 0) { /*if (css_parse_length( (const char *) attr->children->content, &state->style.font_size.value.length, true, true)) { state->style.font_size.size = CSS_FONT_SIZE_LENGTH; }*/ } } } /** * Destroy a CONTENT_SVG and free all resources it owns. */ void svg_destroy(struct content *c) { if (c->data.svg.doc) xmlFreeDoc(c->data.svg.doc); }