/** * $Id: layout.c,v 1.29 2002/12/30 02:06:03 monkeyson Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "libxml/HTMLparser.h" #include "netsurf/render/css.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/font.h" #include "netsurf/render/box.h" #include "netsurf/render/utils.h" #include "netsurf/render/layout.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #define DEBUG_LAYOUT /** * internal functions */ signed long len(struct css_length * length, struct css_style * style); void layout_node(struct box * box, unsigned long width, struct box * cont, unsigned long cx, unsigned long cy); void layout_block(struct box * box, unsigned long width, struct box * cont, unsigned long cx, unsigned long cy); unsigned long layout_block_children(struct box * box, unsigned long width, struct box * cont, unsigned long cx, unsigned long cy); void find_sides(struct box * fl, unsigned long y0, unsigned long y1, unsigned long * x0, unsigned long * x1, struct box ** left, struct box ** right); void layout_inline_container(struct box * box, unsigned long width, struct box * cont, unsigned long cx, unsigned long cy); signed long line_height(struct css_style * style); struct box * layout_line(struct box * first, unsigned long width, unsigned long * y, unsigned long cy, struct box * cont); void place_float_below(struct box * c, unsigned long width, unsigned long y, struct box * cont); void layout_table(struct box * box, unsigned long width, struct box * cont, unsigned long cx, unsigned long cy); void calculate_widths(struct box *box); void calculate_inline_container_widths(struct box *box); void calculate_table_widths(struct box *table); /** * convert a struct css_length to pixels */ signed long len(struct css_length * length, struct css_style * style) { assert(!((length->unit == CSS_UNIT_EM || length->unit == CSS_UNIT_EX) && style == 0)); switch (length->unit) { case CSS_UNIT_EM: return length->value * len(&style->font_size.value.length, 0); case CSS_UNIT_EX: return length->value * len(&style->font_size.value.length, 0) * 0.6; case CSS_UNIT_PX: return length->value; case CSS_UNIT_IN: return length->value * 90.0; case CSS_UNIT_CM: return length->value * 35.0; case CSS_UNIT_MM: return length->value * 3.5; case CSS_UNIT_PT: return length->value * 90.0 / 72.0; case CSS_UNIT_PC: return length->value * 90.0 / 6.0; default: break; } return 0; } /** * layout algorithm */ /** * layout_document -- calculate positions of boxes in a document * * doc root of document box tree * width page width */ void layout_document(struct box * doc, unsigned long width) { doc->float_children = 0; layout_node(doc, width, doc, 0, 0); } void layout_node(struct box * box, unsigned long width, struct box * cont, unsigned long cx, unsigned long cy) { #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT fprintf(stderr, "layout_node(%p, %lu, %p, %lu, %lu)\n", box, width, cont, cx, cy); #endif gui_multitask(); switch (box->type) { case BOX_BLOCK: layout_block(box, width, cont, cx, cy); break; case BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER: layout_inline_container(box, width, cont, cx, cy); break; case BOX_TABLE: layout_table(box, width, cont, cx, cy); break; default: assert(0); } } int img_width(struct img* img) { return img->width; } int img_height(struct img* img) { return img->height; } int gadget_width(struct gui_gadget* gadget) { struct formoption* current; int max; /* should use wimp_textop via a gui wraper for these */ switch (gadget->type) { case GADGET_TEXTBOX: return gadget->data.textbox.size * 8; case GADGET_ACTIONBUTTON: return strlen(gadget->data.actionbutt.label) * 8 + 16; case GADGET_SELECT: current = gadget->data.select.items; max = 32; while (current != NULL) { if (strlen(current->text) * 8 + 16 > max) max = strlen(current->text) * 8 + 16; current = current->next; } return max; default: assert(0); } return 0; } int gadget_height(struct gui_gadget* gadget) { switch (gadget->type) { case GADGET_TEXTBOX: return 28; case GADGET_ACTIONBUTTON: return 28; case GADGET_SELECT: return 28; default: assert(0); } return 0; } /** * layout_block -- position block and recursively layout children * * box block box to layout * width horizontal space available * cont ancestor box which defines horizontal space, for inlines * cx, cy box position relative to cont */ void layout_block(struct box * box, unsigned long width, struct box * cont, unsigned long cx, unsigned long cy) { struct css_style * style = box->style; assert(box->type == BOX_BLOCK); assert(style != 0); #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT fprintf(stderr, "layout_block(%p, %lu, %p, %lu, %lu)\n", box, width, cont, cx, cy); #endif switch (style->width.width) { case CSS_WIDTH_LENGTH: box->width = len(&style->width.value.length, box->style); break; case CSS_WIDTH_PERCENT: box->width = width * style->width.value.percent / 100; break; case CSS_WIDTH_AUTO: default: /* take all available width */ box->width = width; break; } box->height = layout_block_children(box, box->width, cont, cx, cy); switch (style->height.height) { case CSS_HEIGHT_LENGTH: box->height = len(&style->height.length, box->style); break; case CSS_HEIGHT_AUTO: default: /* use the computed height */ break; } } /** * layout_block_children -- recursively layout block children * * (as above) */ unsigned long layout_block_children(struct box * box, unsigned long width, struct box * cont, unsigned long cx, unsigned long cy) { struct box * c; unsigned long y = 0; assert(box->type == BOX_BLOCK || box->type == BOX_FLOAT_LEFT || box->type == BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT || box->type == BOX_TABLE_CELL); #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT fprintf(stderr, "layout_block_children(%p, %lu, %p, %lu, %lu)\n", box, width, cont, cx, cy); #endif for (c = box->children; c != 0; c = c->next) { if (c->style != 0 && c->style->clear != CSS_CLEAR_NONE) { unsigned long x0, x1; struct box * left, * right; do { x0 = cx; x1 = cx + width; find_sides(cont->float_children, cy + y, cy + y, &x0, &x1, &left, &right); if ((c->style->clear == CSS_CLEAR_LEFT || c->style->clear == CSS_CLEAR_BOTH) && left != 0) y = left->y + left->height - cy + 1; if ((c->style->clear == CSS_CLEAR_RIGHT || c->style->clear == CSS_CLEAR_BOTH) && right != 0) if (cy + y < right->y + right->height + 1) y = right->y + right->height - cy + 1; } while ((c->style->clear == CSS_CLEAR_LEFT && left != 0) || (c->style->clear == CSS_CLEAR_RIGHT && right != 0) || (c->style->clear == CSS_CLEAR_BOTH && (left != 0 || right != 0))); } layout_node(c, width, cont, cx, cy + y); c->x = 0; c->y = y; y += c->height; } return y; } /** * find_sides -- find left and right margins * * fl first float in float list * y0, y1 y range to search * x1, x1 margins updated * left float on left if present * right float on right if present */ void find_sides(struct box * fl, unsigned long y0, unsigned long y1, unsigned long * x0, unsigned long * x1, struct box ** left, struct box ** right) { /* fprintf(stderr, "find_sides: y0 %li y1 %li x0 %li x1 %li => ", y0, y1, *x0, *x1); */ *left = *right = 0; for (; fl; fl = fl->next_float) { if (y0 <= fl->y + fl->height && fl->y <= y1) { if (fl->type == BOX_FLOAT_LEFT && *x0 < fl->x + fl->width) { *x0 = fl->x + fl->width; *left = fl; } else if (fl->type == BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT && fl->x < *x1) { *x1 = fl->x; *right = fl; } } } /* fprintf(stderr, "x0 %li x1 %li left 0x%x right 0x%x\n", *x0, *x1, *left, *right); */ } /** * layout_inline_container -- layout lines of text or inline boxes with floats * * box inline container * width horizontal space available * cont ancestor box which defines horizontal space, for inlines * cx, cy box position relative to cont */ void layout_inline_container(struct box * box, unsigned long width, struct box * cont, unsigned long cx, unsigned long cy) { struct box * c; unsigned long y = 0; assert(box->type == BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER); #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT fprintf(stderr, "layout_inline_container(%p, %lu, %p, %lu, %lu)\n", box, width, cont, cx, cy); #endif for (c = box->children; c != 0; ) { c = layout_line(c, width, &y, cy + y, cont); } box->width = width; box->height = y; } signed long line_height(struct css_style * style) { assert(style != 0); assert(style->line_height.size == CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_LENGTH || style->line_height.size == CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_ABSOLUTE); if (style->line_height.size == CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_LENGTH) return len(&style->line_height.value.length, style); else return style->line_height.value.absolute * len(&style->font_size.value.length, 0); } struct box * layout_line(struct box * first, unsigned long width, unsigned long * y, unsigned long cy, struct box * cont) { unsigned long height; unsigned long x0 = 0; unsigned long x1 = width; unsigned long x, h, x_previous; struct box * left; struct box * right; struct box * b; struct box * c; struct box * d; int move_y = 0; unsigned int space_before = 0, space_after = 0; /* fprintf(stderr, "layout_line: '%.*s' %li %li %li\n", first->length, first->text, width, *y, cy); */ /* find sides at top of line */ find_sides(cont->float_children, cy, cy, &x0, &x1, &left, &right); /* get minimum line height from containing block */ if (first->text != 0) height = line_height(first->parent->parent->style); else if (first->img != 0) height = img_height(first->img); else if (first->gadget != 0) height = gadget_height(first->gadget); /* pass 1: find height of line assuming sides at top of line */ for (x = 0, b = first; x < x1 - x0 && b != 0; b = b->next) { assert(b->type == BOX_INLINE || b->type == BOX_FLOAT_LEFT || b->type == BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT); if (b->type == BOX_INLINE) { if (b->text != 0) h = line_height(b->style ? b->style : b->parent->parent->style); else if (b->img != 0) h = img_height(b->img); else if (b->gadget != 0) h = gadget_height(b->gadget); b->height = h; if (h > height) height = h; if (b->width == UNKNOWN_WIDTH && b->font != 0) b->width = font_width(b->font, b->text, b->length); else if (b->width == UNKNOWN_WIDTH && b->img != 0) b->width = img_width(b->img); else if (b->width == UNKNOWN_WIDTH && b->gadget != 0) b->width = gadget_width(b->gadget); if (b->font != 0) x += b->width + b->space ? b->font->space_width : 0; else if (b->gadget != 0 || b->img != 0) x += b->width; } } /* find new sides using this height */ x0 = 0; x1 = width; find_sides(cont->float_children, cy, cy + height, &x0, &x1, &left, &right); /* pass 2: place boxes in line */ for (x = x_previous = 0, b = first; x <= x1 - x0 && b != 0; b = b->next) { if (b->type == BOX_INLINE) { x_previous = x; x += space_after; b->x = x; x += b->width; space_before = space_after; if (b->font != 0) space_after = b->space ? b->font->space_width : 0; else space_after = 0; c = b; move_y = 1; /* fprintf(stderr, "layout_line: '%.*s' %li %li\n", b->length, b->text, xp, x); */ } else { d = b->children; d->float_children = 0; /* css_dump_style(b->style); */ layout_node(d, width, d, 0, 0); d->x = d->y = 0; b->width = d->width; b->height = d->height; if (b->width < (x1 - x0) - x || (left == 0 && right == 0 && x == 0)) { /* fits next to this line, or this line is empty with no floats */ if (b->type == BOX_FLOAT_LEFT) { b->x = x0; x0 += b->width; left = b; } else { b->x = x1 - b->width; x1 -= b->width; right = b; } b->y = cy; /* fprintf(stderr, "layout_line: float fits %li %li, edges %li %li\n", */ /* b->x, b->y, x0, x1); */ } else { /* doesn't fit: place below */ place_float_below(b, width, cy + height + 1, cont); /* fprintf(stderr, "layout_line: float doesn't fit %li %li\n", b->x, b->y); */ } b->next_float = cont->float_children; cont->float_children = b; } } if (x1 - x0 < x) { /* the last box went over the end */ char * space = strchr(c->text, ' '); unsigned long w; struct box * c2; x = x_previous; if (space != 0 && c->length <= space - c->text) /* space after end of string */ space = 0; if (space == 0) w = c->width; else if (c->font != 0) w = font_width(c->font, c->text, space - c->text); else if (c->img != 0) w = img_width(c->img); else if (c->gadget != 0) w = gadget_width(c->gadget); if (x1 - x0 < x + space_before + w && left == 0 && right == 0 && c == first) { /* first word doesn't fit, but no floats and first on line so force in */ if (space == 0) { /* only one word in this box */ b = c->next; } else { /* cut off first word for this line */ c2 = memcpy(xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct box)), c, sizeof(struct box)); c2->text = xstrdup(space + 1); c2->length = c->length - ((space + 1) - c->text); c2->width = UNKNOWN_WIDTH; c->length = space - c->text; c->width = w; c->space = 1; c2->next = c->next; c->next = c2; b = c2; } x += space_before + w; /* fprintf(stderr, "layout_line: overflow, forcing\n"); */ } else if (x1 - x0 < x + space_before + w) { /* first word doesn't fit, but full width not available so leave for later */ b = c; /* fprintf(stderr, "layout_line: overflow, leaving\n"); */ } else if (c->text != 0) { /* fit as many words as possible */ assert(space != 0); space = font_split(c->font, c->text, c->length, x1 - x0 - x - space_before, &w); LOG(("'%.*s' %lu %lu (%c) %lu", c->length, c->text, x1 - x0, space - c->text, *space, w)); c2 = memcpy(xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct box)), c, sizeof(struct box)); c2->text = xstrdup(space + 1); c2->length = c->length - ((space + 1) - c->text); c2->width = UNKNOWN_WIDTH; c->length = space - c->text; c->width = w; c->space = 1; c2->next = c->next; c->next = c2; b = c2; x += space_before + w; /* fprintf(stderr, "layout_line: overflow, fit\n"); */ } move_y = 1; } /* set positions */ switch (first->parent->parent->style->text_align) { case CSS_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT: x0 = x1 - x; break; case CSS_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER: x0 = (x0 + (x1 - x)) / 2; break; default: break; /* leave on left */ } for (d = first; d != b; d = d->next) { if (d->type == BOX_INLINE) { d->x += x0; d->y = *y; } } if (move_y) *y += height + 1; return b; } void place_float_below(struct box * c, unsigned long width, unsigned long y, struct box * cont) { unsigned long x0, x1, yy = y; struct box * left; struct box * right; do { y = yy; x0 = 0; x1 = width; find_sides(cont->float_children, y, y, &x0, &x1, &left, &right); if (left != 0 && right != 0) { yy = (left->y + left->height < right->y + right->height ? left->y + left->height : right->y + right->height) + 1; } else if (left == 0 && right != 0) { yy = right->y + right->height + 1; } else if (left != 0 && right == 0) { yy = left->y + left->height + 1; } } while (!((left == 0 && right == 0) || (c->width < x1 - x0))); if (c->type == BOX_FLOAT_LEFT) { c->x = x0; } else { c->x = x1 - c->width; } c->y = y; } /** * layout a table */ void layout_table(struct box * table, unsigned long width, struct box * cont, unsigned long cx, unsigned long cy) { unsigned int columns = table->columns; /* total columns */ unsigned long table_width, max_width = 0; unsigned long x; unsigned long table_height = 0; unsigned long *xs; /* array of column x positions */ unsigned int i; struct box *c; struct box *row; struct box *row_group; assert(table->type == BOX_TABLE); assert(table->style != 0); #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT fprintf(stderr, "layout_table(%p, %lu, %p, %lu, %lu)\n", table, width, cont, cx, cy); #endif calculate_table_widths(table); /* find table width */ switch (table->style->width.width) { case CSS_WIDTH_LENGTH: table_width = len(&table->style->width.value.length, table->style); break; case CSS_WIDTH_PERCENT: table_width = width * table->style->width.value.percent / 100; break; case CSS_WIDTH_AUTO: default: table_width = width; break; } /* fprintf(stderr, "table width %lu, min %lu, max %lu\n", table_width, table->min_width, table->max_width); */ /* percentage width columns give an upper bound if possible */ for (i = 0; i < table->columns; i++) { if (table->col[i].type == COLUMN_WIDTH_PERCENT) { table->col[i].max = width * table->col[i].width / 100; if (table->col[i].max < table->col[i].min) table->col[i].max = table->col[i].min; } max_width += table->col[i].max; } if (table_width <= table->min_width) { /* not enough space: minimise column widths */ for (i = 0; i < table->columns; i++) { table->col[i].width = table->col[i].min; } table_width = table->min_width; } else if (max_width <= table_width) { /* more space than maximum width */ if (table->style->width.width == CSS_WIDTH_AUTO) { /* for auto-width tables, make columns max width */ for (i = 0; i < table->columns; i++) { table->col[i].width = table->col[i].max; } table_width = max_width; } else { /* for fixed-width tables, distribute the extra space too */ unsigned long extra = (table_width - max_width) / table->columns; for (i = 0; i < table->columns; i++) { table->col[i].width = table->col[i].max + extra; } } } else { /* space between min and max: fill it exactly */ float scale = (float) (table_width - table->min_width) / (float) (max_width - table->min_width); /* fprintf(stderr, "filling, scale %f\n", scale); */ for (i = 0; i < table->columns; i++) { table->col[i].width = table->col[i].min + (table->col[i].max - table->col[i].min) * scale; } } xs = xcalloc(columns + 1, sizeof(*xs)); xs[0] = x = 0; for (i = 0; i < table->columns; i++) { x += table->col[i].width; xs[i + 1] = x; } /* position cells */ for (row_group = table->children; row_group != 0; row_group = row_group->next) { unsigned long row_group_height = 0; for (row = row_group->children; row != 0; row = row->next) { unsigned long row_height = 0; for (i = 0, c = row->children; c != 0; i += c->columns, c = c->next) { assert(c->style != 0); c->width = xs[i + c->columns] - xs[i]; c->float_children = 0; c->height = layout_block_children(c, c->width, c, 0, 0); if (c->style->height.height == CSS_HEIGHT_LENGTH) c->height = len(&c->style->height.length, c->style); c->x = xs[i]; c->y = 0; if (c->height > row_height) row_height = c->height; } row->x = 0; row->y = row_group_height; row->width = table_width; row->height = row_height; row_group_height += row_height; } row_group->x = 0; row_group->y = table_height; row_group->width = table_width; row_group->height = row_group_height; table_height += row_group_height; } free(xs); table->width = table_width; table->height = table_height; } /** * find min, max widths required by boxes */ void calculate_widths(struct box *box) { struct box *child; unsigned long min = 0, max = 0, width; assert(box->type == BOX_TABLE_CELL || box->type == BOX_BLOCK || box->type == BOX_FLOAT_LEFT || box->type == BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT); /* check if the widths have already been calculated */ if (box->max_width != UNKNOWN_MAX_WIDTH) return; for (child = box->children; child != 0; child = child->next) { switch (child->type) { case BOX_BLOCK: case BOX_TABLE: if (child->style->width.width == CSS_WIDTH_LENGTH) { width = len(&child->style->width.value.length, child->style); if (min < width) min = width; if (max < width) max = width; } else { if (child->type == BOX_TABLE) calculate_table_widths(child); else calculate_widths(child); if (min < child->min_width) min = child->min_width; if (max < child->max_width) max = child->max_width; } break; case BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER: calculate_inline_container_widths(child); if (min < child->min_width) min = child->min_width; if (max < child->max_width) max = child->max_width; break; default: break; } } box->min_width = min; box->max_width = max; } void calculate_inline_container_widths(struct box *box) { struct box *child; unsigned long min = 0, max = 0, width; char *word, *space; for (child = box->children; child != 0; child = child->next) { switch (child->type) { case BOX_INLINE: /* max = all one line */ if (child->font != 0) { child->width = font_width(child->font, child->text, child->length); max += child->width; /* min = widest word */ for (word = child->text, space = strchr(child->text, ' '); space != 0; word = space + 1, space = strchr(word, ' ')) { width = font_width(child->font, word, space - word); if (min < width) min = width; } width = font_width(child->font, word, strlen(word)); if (min < width) min = width; } else if (child->img != 0) { child->width = img_width(child->img); max += child->width; if (min < child->width) min = child->width; } else if (child->gadget != 0) { child->width = gadget_width(child->gadget); max += child->width; if (min < child->width) min = child->width; } break; case BOX_FLOAT_LEFT: case BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT: if (child->style != 0 && child->style->width.width == CSS_WIDTH_LENGTH) { width = len(&child->style->width.value.length, child->style); if (min < width) min = width; if (max < width) max = width; } else { calculate_widths(child); if (min < child->min_width) min = child->min_width; if (max < child->max_width) max = child->max_width; } break; default: assert(0); } } box->min_width = min; box->max_width = max; } void calculate_table_widths(struct box *table) { unsigned int i; struct box *row_group, *row, *cell; unsigned long width, min_width = 0, max_width = 0; struct column *col = xcalloc(table->columns, sizeof(*col)); #define WIDTH_FIXED ULONG_MAX if (table->children == 0) return; if (table->children->children == 0) return; assert(table->children != 0 && table->children->children != 0); for (row_group = table->children; row_group != 0; row_group = row_group->next) { assert(row_group->type == BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP); for (row = row_group->children; row != 0; row = row->next) { assert(row->type == BOX_TABLE_ROW); for (i = 0, cell = row->children; cell != 0; i += cell->columns, cell = cell->next) { assert(cell->type == BOX_TABLE_CELL); assert(cell->style != 0); if (col[i].type == COLUMN_WIDTH_FIXED) continue; /* ignore specified width if colspan > 1 */ if (cell->style->width.width == CSS_WIDTH_LENGTH && cell->columns == 1) { width = len(&cell->style->width.value.length, cell->style); col[i].type = COLUMN_WIDTH_FIXED; col[i].min = col[i].max = col[i].width = width; } else { unsigned int j; unsigned long min = 0, max = 0, extra; calculate_widths(cell); /* distribute extra width to spanned columns */ for (j = 0; j != cell->columns; j++) { min += col[i].min; max += col[i].max; } if (min < cell->min_width) { extra = 1 + (cell->min_width - min) / cell->columns; for (j = 0; j != cell->columns; j++) col[i].min += extra; } if (max < cell->max_width) { extra = 1 + (cell->max_width - max) / cell->columns; for (j = 0; j != cell->columns; j++) col[i].max += extra; } if (col[i].type != COLUMN_WIDTH_UNKNOWN) continue; if (cell->style->width.width == CSS_WIDTH_PERCENT) { col[i].type = COLUMN_WIDTH_PERCENT; col[i].width = cell->style->width.value.percent; } else if (cell->style->width.width == CSS_WIDTH_AUTO) { col[i].type = COLUMN_WIDTH_AUTO; } } } } } for (i = 0; i < table->columns; i++) { min_width += col[i].min; max_width += col[i].max; /* fprintf(stderr, "col %u, min %lu, max %lu\n", i, col[i].min, col[i].max); */ } table->min_width = min_width; table->max_width = max_width; table->col = col; }