/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2003 John M Bell */ #include #include #include #include "oslib/wimp.h" #include "netsurf/content/content.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/browser.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/401login.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/gui.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/gui.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/messages.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" static void get_unamepwd(void); static wimp_window *dialog_401; extern wimp_w dialog_401li; struct login LOGIN; static char *uname; static char* url; static char *pwd; static struct browser_window *bwin; /** * Load the 401 login window template. */ void ro_gui_401login_init(void) { char name[] = "dialog_401li"; int context, window_size, data_size; char *data; /* find required buffer sizes */ context = wimp_load_template(wimp_GET_SIZE, 0, 0, wimp_NO_FONTS, name, 0, &window_size, &data_size); assert(context != 0); dialog_401 = xcalloc((unsigned int) window_size, 1); data = xcalloc((unsigned int) data_size, 1); /* load */ wimp_load_template(dialog_401, data, data + data_size, wimp_NO_FONTS, name, 0, 0, 0); } void gui_401login_open(struct browser_window *bw, struct content *c, char *realm) { char *murl, *host; int i; murl = c->url; host = get_host_from_url(murl); bwin = bw; ro_gui_401login_open(host, realm, murl); xfree(host); } /** * Open a 401 login window. */ void ro_gui_401login_open(char *host, char* realm, char *fetchurl) { url = xstrdup(fetchurl); uname = xstrdup(""); pwd = xstrdup(""); /* fill in download window icons */ dialog_401->icons[ICON_401LOGIN_HOST].data.indirected_text.text = xstrdup(host); dialog_401->icons[ICON_401LOGIN_HOST].data.indirected_text.size = strlen(host) + 1; dialog_401->icons[ICON_401LOGIN_REALM].data.indirected_text.text = xstrdup(realm); dialog_401->icons[ICON_401LOGIN_REALM].data.indirected_text.size = strlen(realm) + 1; dialog_401->icons[ICON_401LOGIN_USERNAME].data.indirected_text.text = uname; dialog_401->icons[ICON_401LOGIN_PASSWORD].data.indirected_text.text = pwd; /* create and open the window */ dialog_401li = wimp_create_window(dialog_401); ro_gui_dialog_open(dialog_401li); wimp_set_caret_position(dialog_401li, ICON_401LOGIN_USERNAME,0,0,0,0); } /* Login Clicked -> create a new fetch request, specifying uname & pwd * CURLOPT_USERPWD takes a string "username:password" */ void ro_gui_401login_click(wimp_pointer *pointer) { if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_MENU) return; switch (pointer->i) { case ICON_401LOGIN_LOGIN: if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) { get_unamepwd(); ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_401li); browser_window_open_location(bwin, url); } else ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_401li); break; case ICON_401LOGIN_CANCEL: if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_401li); else { get_unamepwd(); ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_401li); browser_window_open_location(bwin, url); } break; default: break; } } void get_unamepwd() { char *lidets = xcalloc(strlen(uname)+strlen(pwd)+2, sizeof(char)); sprintf(lidets, "%s:%s", uname, pwd); login_list_add(url, lidets); }