/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2003 Phil Mellor * Copyright 2003 James Bursa */ #include #include #include #include "oslib/colourtrans.h" #include "oslib/font.h" #include "netsurf/content/content.h" #include "netsurf/render/html.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/gui.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" static long x0, y0, x1, y1; static void html_redraw_box(struct content *content, struct box * box, signed long x, signed long y, unsigned long current_background_color, signed long gadget_subtract_x, signed long gadget_subtract_y, bool *select_on, long clip_x0, long clip_y0, long clip_x1, long clip_y1); static void html_redraw_clip(struct box * box, signed long x, signed long y, long clip_x0, long clip_y0, long clip_x1, long clip_y1); static void html_redraw_unclip(long clip_x0, long clip_y0, long clip_x1, long clip_y1); void html_redraw(struct content *c, long x, long y, unsigned long width, unsigned long height, long clip_x0, long clip_y0, long clip_x1, long clip_y1) { bool select_on = false; unsigned long background_colour = 0xffffff; struct box *box; assert(c->data.html.layout != NULL); box = c->data.html.layout->children; assert(box); /* clear to background colour */ if (c->data.html.background_colour != TRANSPARENT) { colourtrans_set_gcol(c->data.html.background_colour << 8, colourtrans_SET_BG | colourtrans_USE_ECFS, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0); os_clg(); background_colour = c->data.html.background_colour; } html_redraw_box(c, box, x, y, background_colour, x, y, &select_on, clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1); } /* validation strings can't be const */ static char validation_textarea[] = "R7;L"; static char validation_textbox[] = ""; static char validation_password[] = "D*"; static char validation_actionbutton[] = "R5"; static char validation_actionbutton_pressed[] = "R5,3"; static char validation_select[] = "R2"; static char validation_checkbox_selected[] = "Sopton"; static char validation_checkbox_unselected[] = "Soptoff"; static char validation_radio_selected[] = "Sradioon"; static char validation_radio_unselected[] = "Sradiooff"; static char select_text_multiple[] = ""; /* TODO: read from messages */ static char select_text_none[] = ""; static char empty_text[] = ""; void html_redraw_box(struct content *content, struct box * box, signed long x, signed long y, unsigned long current_background_color, signed long gadget_subtract_x, signed long gadget_subtract_y, bool *select_on, long clip_x0, long clip_y0, long clip_x1, long clip_y1) { struct box *c; char *select_text; struct formoption *opt; if (x + (signed long) (box->x * 2 + box->width * 2) /* right edge */ < clip_x0 || x + (signed long) (box->x * 2) /* left edge */ > clip_x1 || y - (signed long) (box->y * 2 + box->height * 2 + 8) /* bottom edge */ > clip_y1 || y - (signed long) (box->y * 2) /* top edge */ < clip_y0) return; if (box->style != 0 && box->style->background_color != TRANSPARENT) { colourtrans_set_gcol(box->style->background_color << 8, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, (int) x + (int) box->x * 2, (int) y - (int) box->y * 2); os_plot(os_PLOT_RECTANGLE | os_PLOT_BY, (int) box->width * 2, -(int) box->height * 2); current_background_color = box->style->background_color; } if (box->object) { html_redraw_clip(box, x, y, clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1); content_redraw(box->object, (int) x + (int) box->x * 2, (int) y - (int) box->y * 2, box->width * 2, box->height * 2, x0, y0, x1, y1); html_redraw_unclip(clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1); } else if (box->gadget) { wimp_icon icon; LOG(("writing GADGET")); icon.extent.x0 = -gadget_subtract_x + x + box->x * 2; icon.extent.y0 = -gadget_subtract_y + y - box->y * 2 - box->height * 2; icon.extent.x1 = -gadget_subtract_x + x + box->x * 2 + box->width * 2; icon.extent.y1 = -gadget_subtract_y + y - box->y * 2; switch (box->gadget->type) { case GADGET_TEXTAREA: icon.flags = wimp_ICON_TEXT | wimp_ICON_BORDER | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED | wimp_ICON_FILLED | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | (wimp_COLOUR_BLACK << wimp_ICON_FG_COLOUR_SHIFT) | (wimp_COLOUR_WHITE << wimp_ICON_BG_COLOUR_SHIFT); icon.data.indirected_text.text = box->gadget->data.textarea.text; icon.data.indirected_text.size = strlen(box->gadget->data.textarea.text); icon.data.indirected_text.validation = validation_textarea; LOG(("writing GADGET TEXTAREA")); wimp_plot_icon(&icon); break; case GADGET_TEXTBOX: colourtrans_set_font_colours(box->font->handle, current_background_color << 8, box->style->color << 8, 14, 0, 0, 0); html_redraw_clip(box, x, y, clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1); font_paint(box->font->handle, box->gadget->data.textbox.text, font_OS_UNITS | font_GIVEN_FONT | font_KERN, (int) x + (int) box->x * 2, (int) y - (int) box->y * 2 - (int) (box->height * 1.5), NULL, NULL, 0); html_redraw_unclip(clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1); break; case GADGET_PASSWORD: icon.flags = wimp_ICON_TEXT | wimp_ICON_BORDER | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED | wimp_ICON_FILLED | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | (wimp_COLOUR_DARK_GREY << wimp_ICON_FG_COLOUR_SHIFT) | (wimp_COLOUR_WHITE << wimp_ICON_BG_COLOUR_SHIFT); icon.data.indirected_text.text = box->gadget->data.password.text; icon.data.indirected_text.size = box->gadget->data.password.maxlength + 1; icon.data.indirected_text.validation = validation_password; LOG(("writing GADGET PASSWORD")); wimp_plot_icon(&icon); break; case GADGET_ACTIONBUTTON: icon.flags = wimp_ICON_TEXT | wimp_ICON_BORDER | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED | wimp_ICON_FILLED | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | wimp_ICON_HCENTRED | (wimp_COLOUR_BLACK << wimp_ICON_FG_COLOUR_SHIFT); icon.data.indirected_text.text = box->gadget->data.actionbutt.label; icon.data.indirected_text.size = strlen(box->gadget->data.actionbutt.label); if (box->gadget->data.actionbutt.pressed) { icon.data.indirected_text.validation = validation_actionbutton_pressed; icon.flags |= (wimp_COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY << wimp_ICON_BG_COLOUR_SHIFT) | wimp_ICON_SELECTED; } else { icon.data.indirected_text.validation = validation_actionbutton; icon.flags |= (wimp_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY << wimp_ICON_BG_COLOUR_SHIFT); } LOG(("writing GADGET ACTION")); wimp_plot_icon(&icon); break; case GADGET_SELECT: icon.flags = wimp_ICON_TEXT | wimp_ICON_BORDER | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED | wimp_ICON_FILLED | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | wimp_ICON_HCENTRED | (wimp_COLOUR_BLACK << wimp_ICON_FG_COLOUR_SHIFT) | (wimp_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY << wimp_ICON_BG_COLOUR_SHIFT); select_text = 0; opt = box->gadget->data.select.items; // if (box->gadget->data.select.size == 1) { while (opt != NULL) { if (opt->selected) { if (select_text == 0) select_text = opt->text; else select_text = select_text_multiple; } opt = opt->next; } if (select_text == 0) select_text = select_text_none; /* } else { while (opt != NULL) { if (opt->selected) { select_text = opt->text; opt = opt->next; break; } opt = opt->next; } if (select_text == 0) { // display the first n options opt = box->gadget->data.select.items; select_text = opt->text; opt = opt->next; for(i = box->gadget->data.select.size-1; i != 0; i--, opt=opt->next) { strcat(select_text, "\n"); strcat(select_text, opt->text); } } else { for(i = box->gadget->data.select.size-1; i != 0; i--, opt=opt->next) { strcat(select_text, "\n"); strcat(select_text, opt->text); } } } */ icon.data.indirected_text.text = select_text; icon.data.indirected_text.size = strlen(icon.data.indirected_text.text); icon.data.indirected_text.validation = validation_select; LOG(("writing GADGET ACTION")); wimp_plot_icon(&icon); break; case GADGET_CHECKBOX: icon.flags = wimp_ICON_TEXT | wimp_ICON_SPRITE | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED | wimp_ICON_HCENTRED | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED; icon.data.indirected_text_and_sprite.text = empty_text; if (box->gadget->data.checkbox.selected) icon.data.indirected_text_and_sprite.validation = validation_checkbox_selected; else icon.data.indirected_text_and_sprite.validation = validation_checkbox_unselected; icon.data.indirected_text_and_sprite.size = 1; LOG(("writing GADGET CHECKBOX")); wimp_plot_icon(&icon); break; case GADGET_RADIO: icon.flags = wimp_ICON_SPRITE | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED | wimp_ICON_HCENTRED; if (box->gadget->data.radio.selected) strcpy(icon.data.sprite, "radioon"); else strcpy(icon.data.sprite, "radiooff"); LOG(("writing GADGET RADIO")); wimp_plot_icon(&icon); break; case GADGET_HIDDEN: case GADGET_IMAGE: break; } LOG(("gadgets finished")); } else if (box->text && box->font) { if (content->data.html.text_selection.selected == 1) { struct box_position *start; struct box_position *end; start = &(content->data.html.text_selection.start); end = &(content->data.html.text_selection.end); if (start->box == box) { fprintf(stderr, "THE START OFFSET IS %d\n", start->pixel_offset * 2); if (end->box == box) { colourtrans_set_gcol(os_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, 0, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, (int) x + (int) box->x * 2 + start->pixel_offset * 2, (int) y - (int) box->y * 2 - (int) box->height * 2); os_plot(os_PLOT_RECTANGLE | os_PLOT_TO, (int) x + (int) box->x * 2 + end->pixel_offset * 2 - 2, (int) y - (int) box->y * 2 - 2); } else { colourtrans_set_gcol(os_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, 0, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, (int) x + (int) box->x * 2 + start->pixel_offset * 2, (int) y - (int) box->y * 2 - (int) box->height * 2); os_plot(os_PLOT_RECTANGLE | os_PLOT_TO, (int) x + (int) box->x * 2 + (int) box->width * 2 - 2, (int) y - (int) box->y * 2 - 2); *select_on = true; } } else if (*select_on) { if (end->box != box) { colourtrans_set_gcol(os_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, 0, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, (int) x + (int) box->x * 2, (int) y - (int) box->y * 2 - (int) box->height * 2); os_plot(os_PLOT_RECTANGLE | os_PLOT_TO, (int) x + (int) box->x * 2 + (int) box->width * 2 - 2, (int) y - (int) box->y * 2 - 2); } else { colourtrans_set_gcol(os_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, 0, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, (int) x + (int) box->x * 2, (int) y - (int) box->y * 2 - (int) box->height * 2); os_plot(os_PLOT_RECTANGLE | os_PLOT_TO, (int) x + (int) box->x * 2 + end->pixel_offset * 2 - 2, (int) y - (int) box->y * 2 - 2); *select_on = false; } } } colourtrans_set_font_colours(box->font->handle, current_background_color << 8, box->style->color << 8, 14, 0, 0, 0); font_paint(box->font->handle, box->text, font_OS_UNITS | font_GIVEN_FONT | font_KERN | font_GIVEN_LENGTH, (int) x + (int) box->x * 2, (int) y - (int) box->y * 2 - (int) (box->height * 1.5), NULL, NULL, (int) box->length); } else { for (c = box->children; c != 0; c = c->next) if (c->type != BOX_FLOAT_LEFT && c->type != BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT) html_redraw_box(content, c, (int) x + (int) box->x * 2, (int) y - (int) box->y * 2, current_background_color, gadget_subtract_x, gadget_subtract_y, select_on, clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1); for (c = box->float_children; c != 0; c = c->next_float) html_redraw_box(content, c, (int) x + (int) box->x * 2, (int) y - (int) box->y * 2, current_background_color, gadget_subtract_x, gadget_subtract_y, select_on, clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1); } /* } else { if (content->data.html.text_selection.selected == 1) { struct box_position *start; struct box_position *end; start = &(content->data.html.text_selection.start); end = &(content->data.html.text_selection.end); if (start->box == box && end->box != box) *select_on = true; else if (*select_on && end->box == box) *select_on = false; } }*/ } void html_redraw_clip(struct box * box, signed long x, signed long y, long clip_x0, long clip_y0, long clip_x1, long clip_y1) { x0 = x + box->x * 2; y1 = y - box->y * 2 - 1; x1 = x0 + box->width * 2 - 1; y0 = y1 - box->height * 2 + 1; if (x0 < clip_x0) x0 = clip_x0; if (y0 < clip_y0) y0 = clip_y0; if (clip_x1 < x1) x1 = clip_x1; if (clip_y1 < y1) y1 = clip_y1; os_set_graphics_window(); os_writec((char) (x0 & 0xff)); os_writec((char) (x0 >> 8)); os_writec((char) (y0 & 0xff)); os_writec((char) (y0 >> 8)); os_writec((char) (x1 & 0xff)); os_writec((char) (x1 >> 8)); os_writec((char) (y1 & 0xff)); os_writec((char) (y1 >> 8)); } void html_redraw_unclip(long clip_x0, long clip_y0, long clip_x1, long clip_y1) { os_set_graphics_window(); os_writec((char) (clip_x0 & 0xff)); os_writec((char) (clip_x0 >> 8)); os_writec((char) (clip_y0 & 0xff)); os_writec((char) (clip_y0 >> 8)); os_writec((char) (clip_x1 & 0xff)); os_writec((char) (clip_x1 >> 8)); os_writec((char) (clip_y1 & 0xff)); os_writec((char) (clip_y1 >> 8)); }