/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2003 John M Bell */ /* * TODO: * - Reshaping plugin (ie. call plugin_reshape_instance from somewhere) * [Plugin_Reshape (&4d544), Plugin_Reshape_Request (&4d545)] * - Finish off stream protocol implementation * [Plugin_Stream_Write (&4d54a), Plugin_Stream_Written (&4d54b)] * - Parse and act upon the rest of the Plugin_Opening flags * - Handle death of Plugin Task * - Implement remaining messages [Plugin_URL_Access, Plugin_Focus, * Plugin_Notify, Plugin_Busy, Plugin_Action, Plugin_Abort, * Plugin_Inform(ed)?] * - Handle standalone objects */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "netsurf/content/content.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/browser.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/gui.h" #include "netsurf/render/html.h" #include "netsurf/render/box.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/gui.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/plugin.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" #include "oslib/mimemap.h" #include "oslib/os.h" #include "oslib/osfile.h" #include "oslib/osfind.h" #include "oslib/osgbpb.h" #include "oslib/plugin.h" #include "oslib/wimp.h" #define NDEBUG /* parameters file creation */ void plugin_write_parameters_file(struct object_params *params); byte const *plugin_populate_pdata(int rsize); /* stream handling */ void plugin_create_stream(struct browser_window *bw, struct object_params *params, struct content *c); void plugin_write_stream_as_file(struct browser_window *bw, struct object_params *params, struct content *c); void plugin_destroy_stream(struct browser_window *bw, struct object_params *params, struct content *c); /* linked list handling */ struct plugin_message *plugin_add_message_to_linked_list(plugin_b browser, plugin_p plugin, wimp_message *m, struct plugin_message *reply); void plugin_remove_message_from_linked_list(struct plugin_message* m); struct plugin_message *plugin_get_message_from_linked_list(int ref); void plugin_add_instance_to_list(struct content *c, struct browser_window *bw, struct content *page, struct box *box, struct object_params *params, void **state); void plugin_remove_instance_from_list(struct object_params *params); struct plugin_list *plugin_get_instance_from_list(plugin_b browser, plugin_p plugin); /* message handling */ void plugin_open(wimp_message *message); void plugin_opening(wimp_message *message); void plugin_close(wimp_message *message); void plugin_closed(wimp_message *message); void plugin_reshape_request(wimp_message *message); void plugin_stream_new(wimp_message *message); void plugin_status(wimp_message *message); char *plugin_get_string_value(os_string_value string, char *msg); /* others */ void plugin_create_sysvar(const char *mime_type, char *sysvar); int plugin_process_opening(struct object_params *params, struct plugin_message *message); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Linked List pointers */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static struct plugin_message pm = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pm, &pm}; static struct plugin_message *pmlist = ± static struct plugin_list pl = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pl, &pl}; static struct plugin_list *plist = &pl; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Externally visible functions */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * plugin_create * initialises plugin system in readiness for receiving object data */ void plugin_create(struct content *c) { c->data.plugin.data = xcalloc(0, 1); c->data.plugin.length = 0; /* we can't create the plugin here, because this is only called * once, even if the object appears several times */ } /** * plugin_add_instance * * The content has been added to a page somewhere: launch the plugin. * This may be called anytime after plugin_create any number of times. * Each must launch a new plugin. * * bw is the window which the plugin is in * page, box, params are 0 if the object is standalone * state may be use to store a pointer to state data */ void plugin_add_instance(struct content *c, struct browser_window *bw, struct content *page, struct box *box, struct object_params *params, void **state) { char sysvar[40]; char *varval; int size; os_var_type var; os_error *e; wimp_message *m = xcalloc(256, sizeof(char)); plugin_message_open *pmo; os_box b; struct plugin_message *npm = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*npm)); struct plugin_message *temp; struct plugin_list *npl = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*npl)); int offset; unsigned char *pchar = (unsigned char*)&m->data; int flags = 0; if (params == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot handle standalone objects at this time"); gui_window_set_status(bw->window, "Plugin Error: Cannot handle standalone objects at this time"); xfree(m); xfree(npm); xfree(npl); return; } /* write parameters file */ plugin_write_parameters_file(params); /* Get contents of Alias$@PlugInType_xxx system variable. */ plugin_create_sysvar(c->mime_type, sysvar); xos_read_var_val_size(sysvar, 0, 0, &size, NULL, &var); if(var != 3) size = ~(size); varval = xcalloc((unsigned int)size, sizeof(char)); xos_read_var_val(sysvar, varval, size, 0, var, NULL, NULL, NULL); LOG(("%s: %s", sysvar, varval)); /* Broadcast Message_PlugIn_Open (&4D540) and listen for response * Message_PlugIn_Opening (&4D541). If no response, try to launch * plugin by Wimp_StartTask(sysvar). Then re-broadcast Message_PlugIn_Open * and listen for response. If there is still no response, give up. * NB: For the bounding box in Message_PlugIn_Open, we choose arbitrary * values outside the area displayed. This is corrected when * plugin_redraw is called. */ /* Initialise bounding box */ b.x0 = 100; b.x1 = 1000; b.y0 = 100; b.y1 = 1000; /* populate plugin_message_open struct */ pmo = (plugin_message_open*)&m->data; pmo->flags = 0; pmo->reserved = 0; pmo->browser = (plugin_b)params->browser; pmo->parent_window = bw->window->data.browser.window; pmo->bbox = b; xmimemaptranslate_mime_type_to_filetype(c->mime_type, &pmo->file_type); offset = 56; pmo->filename.offset = offset; strncpy((char*)&pchar[offset], params->filename, 236-offset); offset = offset + strlen(params->filename) + 1; if (offset > 235) { LOG(("filename too long")); xfree(m); xfree(npm); xfree(npl); xfree(varval); return; } m->size = ((20 + offset + 3) / 4) * 4; m->your_ref = 0; m->action = message_PLUG_IN_OPEN; /* add message to list */ temp = plugin_add_message_to_linked_list((plugin_b)params->browser, (plugin_p)0, m, (struct plugin_message*)0); LOG(("Sending Message: &4D540")); LOG(("Message Size: %d", m->size)); e = xwimp_send_message(wimp_USER_MESSAGE_RECORDED, m, wimp_BROADCAST); if(e) LOG(("Error: %s", e->errmess)); /* wait for wimp poll */ while(temp->poll == 0) gui_poll(); if(temp->plugin != 0 && temp->reply != 0) { /* ok, we got a reply */ LOG(("Reply to message %p: %p", temp, temp->reply)); flags = plugin_process_opening(params, temp); plugin_remove_message_from_linked_list(temp->reply); plugin_remove_message_from_linked_list(temp); xfree(varval); xfree(m); xfree(npm); xfree(npl); } else { /* no reply so issue Wimp_StartTask(varval) */ LOG(("No reply to message %p", temp)); plugin_remove_message_from_linked_list(temp); LOG(("Starting task: %s", varval)); e = xwimp_start_task((char const*)varval, NULL); if(e) LOG(("Error: %s", e->errmess)); /* hmm, deja-vu */ temp = plugin_add_message_to_linked_list((plugin_b)params->browser, (plugin_p)0, m, (struct plugin_message*)0); xwimp_send_message(wimp_USER_MESSAGE_RECORDED, m, wimp_BROADCAST); while(temp->poll == 0) gui_poll(); if(temp->plugin != 0 && temp->reply != 0) { /* ok, we got a reply */ LOG(("Reply to message %p: %p", temp, temp->reply)); flags = plugin_process_opening(params, temp); plugin_remove_message_from_linked_list(temp->reply); plugin_remove_message_from_linked_list(temp); xfree(m); xfree(varval); xfree(npm); xfree(npl); } else { /* no reply so give up */ LOG(("No reply to message %p", temp)); plugin_remove_message_from_linked_list(temp); xfree(m); xfree(varval); xfree(npm); xfree(npl); return; } } /* At this point, it's certain that we can handle this object so * add it to the list of plugin instances. */ plugin_add_instance_to_list(c, bw, page, box, params, state); /* TODO - handle other flags (see below) */ if(flags & 0x4) plugin_create_stream(bw, params, c); plugin_destroy_stream(bw, params, c); } /** * plugin_process_opening * process plugin_opening message flags * NB: this is NOT externally visible. * it's just here because it's referred to in the TODO above */ int plugin_process_opening(struct object_params *params, struct plugin_message *message) { plugin_message_opening *pmo; params->plugin = (int)message->reply->plugin; params->plugin_task = (unsigned int)message->reply->m->sender; pmo = (plugin_message_opening*)&message->reply->m->data; /* LOG(("pmo->flags = %x", pmo->flags)); if(pmo->flags & 0x1) LOG(("accepts input focus")); if(pmo->flags & 0x2) LOG(("wants code fetching")); if(pmo->flags & 0x4) LOG(("wants data fetching")); if(pmo->flags & 0x8) LOG(("will delete parameters")); if(pmo->flags & 0x10) LOG(("still busy")); if(pmo->flags & 0x20) LOG(("supports extended actions")); if(pmo->flags & 0x40) LOG(("has helper window")); */ return (int)pmo->flags; } /** * plugin_remove_instance * * A plugin is no longer required, eg. the page containing it has * been closed. * * Any storage associated with state must be freed. */ void plugin_remove_instance(struct content *c, struct browser_window *bw, struct content *page, struct box *box, struct object_params *params, void **state) { wimp_message *m = xcalloc(256, sizeof(char)); plugin_message_close *pmc; struct plugin_message *temp; char *p, *filename = strdup(params->filename); if (params == 0) { xfree(m); return; } pmc = (plugin_message_close*)&m->data; pmc->flags = 0; pmc->plugin = (plugin_p)params->plugin; pmc->browser = (plugin_b)params->browser; m->size = 32; m->your_ref = 0; m->action = message_PLUG_IN_CLOSE; temp = plugin_add_message_to_linked_list(pmc->browser, pmc->plugin, m, 0); xwimp_send_message(wimp_USER_MESSAGE_RECORDED, m, (wimp_t)params->plugin_task); xfree(m); while (temp == 0) gui_poll(); if (temp->reply != 0){ plugin_remove_message_from_linked_list(temp->reply); plugin_remove_message_from_linked_list(temp); } else { LOG(("message_PLUG_IN_CLOSE bounced")); plugin_remove_message_from_linked_list(temp); } /* delete parameters file */ xosfile_delete((char const*)params->filename, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); p = strrchr((const char*)filename, 'p'); filename[(p-filename)] = 'd'; xosfile_delete((char const*)filename, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* delete instance from list */ plugin_remove_instance_from_list(params); } /** * plugin_reshape_instance * * The box containing the plugin has moved or resized, * or the window containing the plugin has resized if standalone. */ void plugin_reshape_instance(struct content *c, struct browser_window *bw, struct content *page, struct box *box, struct object_params *params, void **state) { /* By now, we've got the plugin up and running in a nested window * off the viewable page area. Now we want to display it in its place. * Therefore, broadcast a Message_PlugIn_Reshape (&4D544) with the values * given to us. */ wimp_message *m = xcalloc(256, sizeof(char)); plugin_message_reshape *pmr; os_box bbox; bbox.x0 = box->x; bbox.y0 = box->y; bbox.x1 = (box->x + box->width); bbox.y1 = (box->y + box->height); pmr = (plugin_message_reshape*)&m->data; pmr->flags = 0; pmr->plugin = (plugin_p) params->plugin; pmr->browser = (plugin_b) params->browser; pmr->parent_window = (wimp_w) bw->window->data.browser.window; pmr->bbox = bbox; m->size = 36; m->your_ref = 0; m->action = message_PLUG_IN_RESHAPE; xwimp_send_message(wimp_USER_MESSAGE, m, (wimp_t)params->plugin_task); xfree(m); LOG(("plugin_reshape_instance")); } static const char * const ALIAS_PREFIX = "Alias$@PlugInType_"; /** * plugin_create_sysvar * creates system variable from mime type * NB: this is NOT externally visible * it just makes sense to keep it with the ALIAS_PREFIX definition above. */ void plugin_create_sysvar(const char *mime_type, char* sysvar) { unsigned int *fv; os_error *e; e = xmimemaptranslate_mime_type_to_filetype(mime_type, (bits *) &fv); sprintf(sysvar, "%s%x", ALIAS_PREFIX, fv); } /** * plugin_handleable * Tests whether we can handle an object using a browser plugin * returns true if we can handle it, false if we can't. */ bool plugin_handleable(const char *mime_type) { char sysvar[40]; unsigned int *fv; os_error *e; e = xmimemaptranslate_mime_type_to_filetype(mime_type, (bits *) &fv); if (e) { LOG(("xmimemaptranslate_mime_type_to_filetype failed: %s", e->errmess)); return false; } sprintf(sysvar, "%s%x", ALIAS_PREFIX, fv); if (getenv(sysvar) == 0) return false; return true; } /** * plugin_process_data * processes data retrieved by the fetch process */ void plugin_process_data(struct content *c, char *data, unsigned long size) { /* If the plugin requests, we send the data to it via the * plugin stream protocol. * Also, we should listen for Message_PlugIn_URL_Access (&4D54D) * as the plugin may need us to retrieve URLs for it. * We should also listen for Message_PlugIn_Closed (&4D543). * If this occurs, the plugin has exited with an error. * Therefore, we need to stop the fetch and exit. */ /* I think we should just buffer the data here, in case the * plugin requests it sometime in the future. - James */ c->data.plugin.data = xrealloc(c->data.plugin.data, c->data.plugin.length + size); memcpy(c->data.plugin.data + c->data.plugin.length, data, size); c->data.plugin.length += size; c->size += size; } /** * plugin_convert * This isn't needed by the plugin system as all the data processing is done * externally. Therefore, just tell NetSurf that everything's OK. */ int plugin_convert(struct content *c, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { c->status=CONTENT_STATUS_DONE; return 0; } void plugin_revive(struct content *c, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { } void plugin_reformat(struct content *c, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { } /** * plugin_destroy */ void plugin_destroy(struct content *c) { /* simply free buffered data */ xfree(c->data.plugin.data); } /** * plugin_redraw * redraw plugin on page. */ void plugin_redraw(struct content *c, long x, long y, unsigned long width, unsigned long height) { } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Parameters file handling functions */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * plugin_write_parameters_file * Writes the parameters file. * Beware, this function is long and nasty. It appears to work, however. */ void plugin_write_parameters_file(struct object_params *params) { struct plugin_params* temp; int *time; os_fw pfile; int j, rsize = 0; char *tstr; /* Create the file */ xosfile_create_dir(".WWW", 77); xosfile_create_dir(".WWW.NetSurf", 77); /* path + filename + terminating NUL */ params->filename = xcalloc(strlen(getenv("Wimp$ScrapDir"))+13+10+1, sizeof(char)); xos_read_monotonic_time((int*)&time); tstr = xcalloc(40, sizeof(char)); sprintf(tstr, "%01u", (unsigned int)time<<8); sprintf(params->filename, "%s.WWW.NetSurf.p%1.9s", getenv("Wimp$ScrapDir"), tstr); params->browser = (unsigned int)time<<8; xfree(tstr); LOG(("filename: %s", params->filename)); xosfind_openoutw(osfind_NO_PATH, params->filename, NULL, &pfile); /* Write object attributes first */ /* classid is checked first */ if(params->classid != 0 && params->codetype != 0) { /* Record Type */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(1)), 4, NULL); /* Record size */ rsize = 0; rsize += (4 + 7 + 1); rsize += (4 + strlen(params->classid)); if((strlen(params->classid)%4) != 0) rsize += (4-(strlen(params->classid)%4)); rsize += (4 + strlen(params->codetype)); if((strlen(params->codetype)%4) != 0) rsize += (4-(strlen(params->codetype)%4)); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* name */ /* size */ rsize = strlen("CLASSID"); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* name */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)"CLASSID", rsize, NULL); /* pad to word boundary */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); /* value */ /* size */ rsize = strlen(params->classid); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* name */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)params->classid, rsize, NULL); /* pad to word boundary */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); /* type */ /* size */ rsize = strlen(params->codetype); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* name */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)params->codetype, rsize, NULL); /* pad to word boundary */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); } /* otherwise, we check the data attribute */ else if(params->data !=0 && params->type != 0) { /* Record Type */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(1)), 4, NULL); /* Record size */ rsize = 0; rsize += (4 + 4); rsize += (4 + strlen(params->data)); if((strlen(params->data)%4) != 0) rsize += (4-(strlen(params->data)%4)); rsize += (4 + strlen(params->type)); if((strlen(params->type)%4) != 0) rsize += (4-(strlen(params->type)%4)); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* name */ /* size */ rsize = strlen("DATA"); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* name */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)"DATA", rsize, NULL); /* pad to word boundary */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); /* value */ /* size */ rsize = strlen(params->data); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* name */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)params->data, rsize, NULL); /* pad to word boundary */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); /* type */ /* size */ rsize = strlen(params->type); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* name */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)params->type, rsize, NULL); /* pad to word boundary */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); } /* if codebase is specified, write it as well */ if(params->codebase != 0) { /* Record Type */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(1)), 4, NULL); /* Record size */ rsize = 0; rsize += (4 + 8); rsize += (4 + strlen(params->codebase)); if((strlen(params->codebase)%4) != 0) rsize += (4-(strlen(params->codebase)%4)); rsize += 4; xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* name */ /* size */ rsize = strlen("CODEBASE"); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* name */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)"CODEBASE", rsize, NULL); /* pad to word boundary */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); /* value */ /* size */ rsize = strlen(params->codebase); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* name */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)params->codebase, rsize, NULL); /* pad to word boundary */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); /* type */ /* size */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), 4, NULL); } /* Iterate through the parameter list, creating the parameters * file as we go. We can free up the memory as we go. */ while(params->params != 0) { LOG(("name: %s", params->params->name == 0 ? "not set" : params->params->name)); LOG(("value: %s", params->params->value == 0 ? "not set" : params->params->value)); LOG(("type: %s", params->params->type == 0 ? "not set" : params->params->type)); LOG(("valuetype: %s", params->params->valuetype)); /* Record Type */ if(strcasecmp(params->params->valuetype, "data") == 0) rsize = 1; if(strcasecmp(params->params->valuetype, "ref") == 0) rsize = 2; if(strcasecmp(params->params->valuetype, "object") == 0) rsize = 3; xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* Record Size */ rsize = 0; if(params->params->name != 0) { rsize += 4; rsize += strlen(params->params->name); if((strlen(params->params->name) % 4) != 0) rsize += (4 - (strlen(params->params->name) % 4)); } if(params->params->value != 0) { rsize += 4; rsize += strlen(params->params->value); if((strlen(params->params->value) % 4) != 0) rsize += 4 - ((strlen(params->params->value) % 4)); } if(params->params->type != 0) { rsize += 4; rsize += strlen(params->params->type); if((strlen(params->params->type) % 4) != 0) rsize += (4 - (strlen(params->params->type) % 4)); } else { rsize += 4; } xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* Record Name */ if(params->params->name != 0) { /* Size */ rsize = strlen(params->params->name); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* Name */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)params->params->name, rsize, NULL); /* Pad to word boundary */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); } /* Record Value */ if(params->params->value != 0) { /* Size */ rsize = strlen(params->params->value); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* Name */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)params->params->value, rsize, NULL); /* Pad to word boundary */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); } /* Record Type */ if(params->params->type != 0) { /* Size */ rsize = strlen(params->params->type); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); /* Name */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)params->params->type, rsize, NULL); /* Pad to word boundary */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); } else { xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), 4, NULL); } temp = params->params; params->params = params->params->next; xfree(temp); } /* Now write mandatory special parameters * * Case: Parameter: * * 0 BASEHREF * 1 USERAGENT * 2 UAVERSION * 3 APIVERSION * 4 BGCOLOR - needs fixing to work properly. * Currently, it assumes FFFFFF00 (BBGGRR00) */ for(j=0; j!=5; j++) { xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(4)), 4, NULL); switch(j) { case 0: rsize = 0; rsize += (4 + 8); rsize += (4 + strlen(params->basehref)); if((strlen(params->basehref)%4) != 0) rsize += (4-(strlen(params->basehref)%4)); rsize += 4; xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); rsize = strlen("BASEHREF"); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)"BASEHREF", rsize, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); rsize = strlen(params->basehref); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)params->basehref, rsize, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), 4, NULL); break; case 1: rsize = 0; rsize += (4 + 9 + 3); rsize += (4 + strlen("NetSurf")); if((strlen("NetSurf")%4) != 0) rsize += (4-(strlen("NetSurf")%4)); rsize += 4; xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); rsize = strlen("USERAGENT"); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)"USERAGENT", rsize, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); rsize = strlen("NetSurf"); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)"NetSurf", rsize, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), 4, NULL); break; case 2: rsize = 0; rsize += (4 + 9 + 3); rsize += (4 + strlen("0.01")); if((strlen("0.01")%4) != 0) rsize += (4-(strlen("0.01")%4)); rsize += 4; xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); rsize = strlen("UAVERSION"); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)"UAVERSION", rsize, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); rsize = strlen("0.01"); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)"0.01", rsize, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), 4, NULL); break; case 3: rsize = 0; rsize += (4 + 10 + 2); rsize += (4 + strlen("1.10")); if((strlen("1.10")%4) != 0) rsize += (4-(strlen("1.10")%4)); rsize += 4; xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); rsize = strlen("APIVERSION"); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)"APIVERSION", rsize, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); rsize = strlen("1.10"); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)"1.10", rsize, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), 4, NULL); break; case 4: rsize = 0; rsize += (4 + 7 + 1); rsize += (4 + strlen("FFFFFF00")); if((strlen("FFFFFF00")%4) != 0) rsize += (4-(strlen("FFFFFF00")%4)); rsize += 4; xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); rsize = strlen("BGCOLOR"); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)"BGCOLOR", rsize, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); rsize = strlen("FFFFFF00"); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(rsize)), 4, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (byte const*)"FFFFFF00", rsize, NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), (4 - ((rsize%4) == 0 ? 4 : (rsize%4))), NULL); xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), 4, NULL); break; } } /* Write terminator */ xosgbpb_writew(pfile, (plugin_populate_pdata(0)), 4, NULL); xosfind_closew(pfile); } /** * plugin_populate_pdata * helper function for plugin_write_parameters_file */ byte const *plugin_populate_pdata(int rsize) { byte pdata[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; pdata[0] = rsize & 0xff; pdata[1] = (rsize >> 0x08) & 0xff; pdata[2] = (rsize >> 0x10) & 0xff; pdata[3] = (rsize >> 0x18) & 0xff; return (byte const*)&pdata; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Plugin Stream handling functions */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * plugin_create_stream * creates a plugin stream */ void plugin_create_stream(struct browser_window *bw, struct object_params *params, struct content *c) { wimp_message *m = xcalloc(256, sizeof(char)); plugin_message_stream_new *pmsn; struct plugin_message *temp; int offset = 0; unsigned char *pchar = (unsigned char*)&m->data; pmsn = (plugin_message_stream_new*)&m->data; pmsn->flags = 2; pmsn->plugin = (plugin_p)params->plugin; pmsn->browser = (plugin_b)params->browser; pmsn->browser_stream = (plugin_bs)params->browser; pmsn->end = c->data.plugin.length; pmsn->last_modified_date = 0; pmsn->notify_data = 0; offset = 64; pmsn->url.offset = offset; strncpy((char*)&pchar[offset], c->url, (unsigned int)236-offset); offset = offset + strlen(c->url) + 1; if (offset > 235) { LOG(("URL too long")); xfree(m); return; } offset = (offset + 3) / 4 * 4; pmsn->mime_type.offset = offset; strncpy((char*)&pchar[offset], c->mime_type, (unsigned int)236-offset); offset = offset + strlen(c->mime_type) + 1; if (offset > 235) { LOG(("mime_type too long")); xfree(m); return; } pmsn->target_window.offset = 0; m->size = (20 + offset + 3) / 4 * 4; m->your_ref = 0; m->action = message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_NEW; temp = plugin_add_message_to_linked_list(pmsn->browser, pmsn->plugin, m, 0); LOG(("message length = %d", m->size)); #ifndef NDEBUG xosfile_save_stamped(".msgblock", 0xffd, (byte const*)m, (byte const*)(m + 256)); #endif xwimp_send_message(wimp_USER_MESSAGE_RECORDED, m, (wimp_t)params->plugin_task); while(temp->poll == 0) gui_poll(); pmsn = (plugin_message_stream_new*)&temp->reply->m->data; params->browser_stream = params->browser; params->plugin_stream = (int)pmsn->stream; LOG(("%d, %d, %d", (int)pmsn->stream, params->plugin_stream, params->browser_stream)); if((pmsn->flags & 0x02) | (pmsn->flags & 0x03)) { plugin_write_stream_as_file(bw, params, c); } /* clean up */ plugin_remove_message_from_linked_list(temp->reply); plugin_remove_message_from_linked_list(temp); xfree(m); } /** * plugin_write_stream_as_file * writes a stream as a file */ void plugin_write_stream_as_file(struct browser_window *bw, struct object_params *params, struct content *c) { wimp_message *m = xcalloc(256, sizeof(char)); plugin_message_stream_as_file *pmsaf; int offset = 0; unsigned int filetype; unsigned char *pchar = (unsigned char*)&m->data; char *filename = strdup(params->filename), *p; pmsaf = (plugin_message_stream_as_file*)&m->data; pmsaf->flags = 0; pmsaf->plugin = (plugin_p)params->plugin; pmsaf->browser = (plugin_b)params->browser; pmsaf->stream = (plugin_s)params->plugin_stream; pmsaf->browser_stream = (plugin_bs)params->browser_stream; pmsaf->end = 0; pmsaf->last_modified_date = 0; pmsaf->notify_data = 0; offset = 60; pmsaf->url.offset = offset; strncpy((char*)&pchar[offset], c->url, (unsigned int)236-offset); offset = offset + strlen(c->url) + 1; if (offset > 235) { LOG(("URL too long")); xfree(m); return; } offset = (offset + 3) / 4 * 4; pmsaf->filename.offset = offset; p = strrchr((const char*)filename, 'p'); filename[(p-filename)] = 'd'; strncpy((char*)&pchar[offset], filename, (unsigned int)236-offset); offset = offset + strlen(filename) + 1; if (offset > 235) { LOG(("filename too long")); xfree(m); return; } m->size = (20 + offset + 3) / 4 * 4; m->your_ref = 0; m->action = message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_AS_FILE; xmimemaptranslate_mime_type_to_filetype(c->mime_type, (bits *) &filetype); xosfile_save_stamped((char const*)filename, filetype, c->data.plugin.data, c->data.plugin.data + c->data.plugin.length); LOG(("message length = %d", m->size)); xwimp_send_message(wimp_USER_MESSAGE, m, (wimp_t)params->plugin_task); xfree(m); } /** * plugin_destroy_stream * destroys a plugin stream */ void plugin_destroy_stream(struct browser_window *bw, struct object_params *params, struct content *c) { wimp_message *m = xcalloc(256, sizeof(char)); plugin_message_stream_destroy *pmsd; int offset = 0; unsigned char *pchar = (unsigned char*)&m->data; pmsd = (plugin_message_stream_destroy*)&m->data; pmsd->flags = 0; pmsd->plugin = (plugin_p)params->plugin; pmsd->browser = (plugin_b)params->browser; pmsd->stream = (plugin_s)params->plugin_stream; pmsd->browser_stream = (plugin_bs)params->browser_stream; pmsd->end = 0; pmsd->last_modified_date = 0; pmsd->notify_data = 0; pmsd->reason = plugin_STREAM_DESTROY_FINISHED; offset = 60; pmsd->url.offset = offset; strncpy((char*)&pchar[offset], c->url, (unsigned int)236-offset); offset = offset + strlen(c->url) + 1; if (offset > 235) { LOG(("URL too long")); xfree(m); return; } m->size = (20 + offset + 3) / 4 * 4; m->your_ref = 0; m->action = message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_DESTROY; xwimp_send_message(wimp_USER_MESSAGE, m, (wimp_t)params->plugin_task); xfree(m); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Linked List handling functions */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * plugin_add_message_to_linked_list * adds a message to the list */ struct plugin_message *plugin_add_message_to_linked_list(plugin_b browser, plugin_p plugin, wimp_message *m, struct plugin_message *reply) { struct plugin_message *npm = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*npm)); npm->poll = 0; npm->browser = browser; npm->plugin = plugin; npm->m = m; npm->reply = reply; npm->prev = pmlist->prev; npm->next = pmlist; pmlist->prev->next = npm; pmlist->prev = npm; return pmlist->prev; } /** * plugin_remove_message_from_linked_list * removes a message from the list */ void plugin_remove_message_from_linked_list(struct plugin_message* m) { m->prev->next = m->next; m->next->prev = m->prev; xfree(m); } /** * plugin_get_message_from_linked_list * retrieves a message from the list * returns NULL if no message is found */ struct plugin_message *plugin_get_message_from_linked_list(int ref) { struct plugin_message *npm; for(npm = pmlist->next; npm != pmlist && npm->m->my_ref != ref; npm = npm->next) ; if(npm != pmlist) return npm; return NULL; } /** * plugin_add_instance_to_list * Adds a plugin instance to the list of plugin instances. */ void plugin_add_instance_to_list(struct content *c, struct browser_window *bw, struct content *page, struct box *box, struct object_params *params, void **state) { struct plugin_list *npl = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*npl)); npl->c = c; npl->bw = bw; npl->page = page; npl->box = box; npl->params = params; npl->state = state; npl->prev = plist->prev; npl->next = plist; plist->prev->next = npl; plist->prev = npl; } /** * plugin_remove_instance_from_list * Removes a plugin instance from the list */ void plugin_remove_instance_from_list(struct object_params *params) { struct plugin_list *temp = plugin_get_instance_from_list((plugin_b)params->browser, (plugin_p)params->plugin); if(temp != NULL) { temp->prev->next = temp->next; temp->next->prev = temp->prev; xfree(temp); } } /** * plugin_get_instance_from_list * retrieves an instance of a plugin from the list * returns NULL if no instance is found */ struct plugin_list *plugin_get_instance_from_list(plugin_b browser, plugin_p plugin) { struct plugin_list *npl; for(npl = plist->next; (npl != plist) && (((plugin_b)npl->params->browser != browser) && ((plugin_p)npl->params->plugin != plugin)); npl = npl->next) ; if(npl != plist) return npl; return NULL; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* WIMP Message processing functions */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * plugin_msg_parse * parses wimp messages */ void plugin_msg_parse(wimp_message *message, int ack) { switch(message->action) { case message_PLUG_IN_OPENING: plugin_opening(message); break; case message_PLUG_IN_CLOSED: plugin_closed(message); break; case message_PLUG_IN_RESHAPE_REQUEST: plugin_reshape_request(message); break; case message_PLUG_IN_FOCUS: // plugin_focus(); break; case message_PLUG_IN_URL_ACCESS: // plugin_url_access(); break; case message_PLUG_IN_STATUS: plugin_status(message); break; case message_PLUG_IN_BUSY: // plugin_busy(); break; /* OSLib doesn't provide this, as it's * reasonably new and not obviously documented. * We ignore it for now. case message_PLUG_IN_INFORMED: */ case message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_NEW: plugin_stream_new(message); break; case message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_WRITE: // plugin_stream_write(); break; case message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_WRITTEN: // plugin_stream_written(); break; case message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_DESTROY: // plugin_stream_destroy(); break; /* These cases occur when a message is bounced * For simplicity, we do nothing unless the message came in * a wimp_USER_MESSAGE_ACKNOWLEDGE (ie ack = 1) */ case message_PLUG_IN_OPEN: if(ack) plugin_open(message); break; case message_PLUG_IN_CLOSE: if(ack) plugin_close(message); break; case message_PLUG_IN_RESHAPE: case message_PLUG_IN_STREAM_AS_FILE: case message_PLUG_IN_NOTIFY: case message_PLUG_IN_ABORT: case message_PLUG_IN_ACTION: default: break; } } /** * plugin_open * handles receipt of plugin_open messages */ void plugin_open(wimp_message *message) { struct plugin_message *npm = plugin_get_message_from_linked_list(message->my_ref); /* notify plugin_open message entry in list */ if (npm != NULL) npm->poll = 1; } /** * plugin_opening * handles receipt of plugin_open messages */ void plugin_opening(wimp_message *message) { struct plugin_message *npm = plugin_get_message_from_linked_list(message->your_ref); struct plugin_message *reply; plugin_message_opening *pmo = (plugin_message_opening*)&message->data; /* add this message to linked list */ reply = plugin_add_message_to_linked_list(pmo->browser, pmo->plugin, message, 0); /* notify plugin_open message entry in list */ if (npm != NULL) { npm->poll = 1; npm->plugin = pmo->plugin; npm->reply = reply; } } /** * plugin_close * handles receipt of plugin_close messages */ void plugin_close(wimp_message *message) { struct plugin_message *npm = plugin_get_message_from_linked_list(message->my_ref); /* notify plugin_open message entry in list */ if (npm != NULL) npm->poll = 1; } /** * plugin_closed * handles receipt of plugin_closed messages */ void plugin_closed(wimp_message *message) { struct plugin_message *npm = plugin_get_message_from_linked_list(message->your_ref); struct plugin_message *reply; plugin_message_closed *pmc = (plugin_message_closed*)&message->data; /* add this message to linked list */ reply = plugin_add_message_to_linked_list(pmc->browser, pmc->plugin, message, 0); /* notify plugin_open message entry in list */ if (npm != NULL) { npm->poll = 1; npm->reply = reply; } } /** * plugin_reshape_request * handles receipt of plugin_reshape_request messages */ void plugin_reshape_request(wimp_message *message) { struct plugin_message *npm; struct plugin_list *npl; plugin_message_reshape_request *pmrr = (plugin_message_reshape_request*)&message->data; /* add this message to linked list */ npm = plugin_add_message_to_linked_list(pmrr->browser, pmrr->plugin, message, 0); /* TODO - need to find a way of forcing the browser to resize the * box containing this object. Then issue a Plugin_Reshape. */ npl = plugin_get_instance_from_list(pmrr->browser, pmrr->plugin); plugin_remove_message_from_linked_list(npm); /* lose this later */ LOG(("requested (width, height): (%d, %d)", pmrr->size.x, pmrr->size.y)); } /** * plugin_stream_new * handles receipt of plugin_stream_new messages */ void plugin_stream_new(wimp_message *message) { struct plugin_message *npm = plugin_get_message_from_linked_list(message->your_ref); struct plugin_message *reply; plugin_message_stream_new *pmsn = (plugin_message_stream_new*)&message->data; /* add this message to linked list */ reply = plugin_add_message_to_linked_list(pmsn->browser, pmsn->plugin, message, 0); /* notify plugin_open message entry in list */ if(npm != NULL) { npm->poll = 1; npm->plugin = pmsn->plugin; npm->reply = reply; } } /** * plugin_status * handles receipt of plugin_status messages */ void plugin_status(wimp_message *message) { plugin_message_status *pms = (plugin_message_status*)&message->data; struct plugin_list *npl = plugin_get_instance_from_list(pms->browser, pms->plugin); gui_window_set_status(npl->bw->window, (const char*)plugin_get_string_value(pms->message, (char*)pms)); } /** * plugin_get_string_value * utility function to grab string data from plugin message blocks */ char *plugin_get_string_value(os_string_value string, char *msg) { if(string.offset == 0 || string.offset > 256) { return string.pointer; } return &msg[string.offset]; }