%{ /* parser for the binding generation config file * * This file is part of nsgenbind. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2012 Vincent Sanders */ #include #include #define YYFPRINTF genbind_fprintf #define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) \ genbind_fprintf(File, "%d.%d-%d.%d", \ (Loc).first_line, (Loc).first_column, \ (Loc).last_line, (Loc).last_column) #include "nsgenbind-parser.h" #include "nsgenbind-lexer.h" #include "webidl-ast.h" #include "nsgenbind-ast.h" char *errtxt; static void nsgenbind_error(YYLTYPE *locp, struct genbind_node **genbind_ast, const char *str) { locp = locp; genbind_ast = genbind_ast; errtxt = strdup(str); } %} %locations /* bison prior to 2.4 cannot cope with %define api.pure so we use the * deprecated directive */ %pure-parser %error-verbose %parse-param { struct genbind_node **genbind_ast } %union { char *text; struct genbind_node *node; long value; } %token TOK_BINDING %token TOK_WEBIDL %token TOK_PREFACE %token TOK_PROLOGUE %token TOK_EPILOGUE %token TOK_POSTFACE %token TOK_CLASS %token TOK_PRIVATE %token TOK_INTERNAL %token TOK_FLAGS %token TOK_TYPE %token TOK_UNSHARED %token TOK_SHARED %token TOK_PROPERTY /* method types */ %token TOK_INIT %token TOK_FINI %token TOK_METHOD %token TOK_GETTER %token TOK_SETTER %token TOK_DBLCOLON %token TOK_IDENTIFIER %token TOK_STRING_LITERAL %token TOK_CCODE_LITERAL %type CBlock %type Modifiers %type Modifier %type Statement %type Statements %type Binding %type BindingArgs %type BindingArg %type Class %type ClassArgs %type ClassArg %type ClassFlag %type ClassFlags %type Method %type MethodDeclarator %type MethodType %type WebIDL %type Preface %type Prologue %type Epilogue %type Postface %type Private %type Internal %type Property %type ParameterList %type TypeIdent %% Input : Statements { *genbind_ast = $1; } ; Statements : Statement | Statements Statement { $$ = genbind_node_link($2, $1); } | error ';' { fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s\n", yylloc.first_line, errtxt); free(errtxt); YYABORT ; } ; Statement : Binding | Class | Method ; Binding : TOK_BINDING TOK_IDENTIFIER '{' BindingArgs '}' { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_BINDING, NULL, genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_TYPE, $4, $2)); } ; BindingArgs : BindingArg | BindingArgs BindingArg { $$ = genbind_node_link($2, $1); } ; BindingArg : WebIDL | Preface | Prologue | Epilogue | Postface ; /* [3] a web IDL file specifier */ WebIDL : TOK_WEBIDL TOK_STRING_LITERAL ';' { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_WEBIDL, NULL, $2); } ; /* type and identifier of a variable */ TypeIdent : TOK_STRING_LITERAL TOK_IDENTIFIER { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_TYPE, NULL, $1), $2); } ; Preface : TOK_PREFACE CBlock ';' { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_PREFACE, NULL, $2); } ; Prologue : TOK_PROLOGUE CBlock ';' { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_PROLOGUE, NULL, $2); } ; Epilogue : TOK_EPILOGUE CBlock ';' { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_EPILOGUE, NULL, $2); } ; Postface : TOK_POSTFACE CBlock ';' { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_POSTFACE, NULL, $2); } ; CBlock : TOK_CCODE_LITERAL | CBlock TOK_CCODE_LITERAL { $$ = genbind_strapp($1, $2); } ; MethodType : TOK_INIT { $$ = GENBIND_METHOD_TYPE_INIT; } | TOK_FINI { $$ = GENBIND_METHOD_TYPE_FINI; } | TOK_METHOD { $$ = GENBIND_METHOD_TYPE_METHOD; } | TOK_GETTER { $$ = GENBIND_METHOD_TYPE_GETTER; } | TOK_SETTER { $$ = GENBIND_METHOD_TYPE_SETTER; } ; ParameterList : TypeIdent { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_PARAMETER, NULL, $1); } | ParameterList ',' TypeIdent { $$ = genbind_node_link($3, $1); } ; MethodDeclarator : TOK_IDENTIFIER TOK_DBLCOLON TOK_IDENTIFIER '(' ParameterList ')' { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_CLASS, genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, $5, $3), genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, NULL, $1)); } | TOK_IDENTIFIER TOK_DBLCOLON TOK_IDENTIFIER '(' ')' { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_CLASS, genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, NULL, $3), genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, NULL, $1)); } | TOK_IDENTIFIER '(' ParameterList ')' { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_CLASS, $3, genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, NULL, $1)); } | TOK_IDENTIFIER '(' ')' { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_CLASS, NULL, genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, NULL, $1)); } ; Method : MethodType MethodDeclarator CBlock { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_METHOD, NULL, genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_METHOD_TYPE, genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_CDATA, $2, $3), (void *)$1)); } Class : TOK_CLASS TOK_IDENTIFIER '{' ClassArgs '}' { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_CLASS, NULL, genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, $4, $2)); } ; ClassArgs : ClassArg | ClassArgs ClassArg { $$ = genbind_node_link($2, $1); } ; ClassArg : Private | Internal | Property | ClassFlag | Preface | Prologue | Epilogue | Postface ; Private : TOK_PRIVATE TypeIdent ';' { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_PRIVATE, NULL, $2); } ; Internal : TOK_INTERNAL TypeIdent ';' { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL, NULL, $2); } ; ClassFlag : TOK_FLAGS ClassFlags ';' { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_FLAGS, NULL, $2); } ; ClassFlags : TOK_IDENTIFIER { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, NULL, $1); } | ClassFlags ',' TOK_IDENTIFIER { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, $1, $3); } ; Property : TOK_PROPERTY Modifiers TOK_IDENTIFIER ';' { $$ = genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_PROPERTY, NULL, genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_MODIFIER, genbind_new_node(GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, NULL, $3), (void *)$2)); } ; Modifiers : /* empty */ { $$ = GENBIND_TYPE_NONE; } | Modifiers Modifier { $$ |= $2; } ; Modifier : TOK_TYPE { $$ = GENBIND_TYPE_TYPE; } | TOK_UNSHARED { $$ = GENBIND_TYPE_UNSHARED; } | TOK_SHARED { $$ = GENBIND_TYPE_NONE; } ; %%