path: root/include/dom/core/exceptions.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Leave top 8 bits of dom exception unused.Michael Drake2015-08-011-3/+3
* fixup comment damage from automated type conversionVincent Sanders2012-09-111-1/+1
* unsigned long -> uint32_t, signed long and long -> int32_t, plus collateral f...Daniel Silverstone2012-09-101-1/+1
* Merge branches/struggleyb/libdom-html to trunk.John Mark Bell2010-08-301-1/+2
* Merge the Events module (branches/struggleyb/libdom-events) back to trunk. :)Bo Yang2009-08-131-1/+17
* Merge the branches/struggleyb/libdom-remain back to trunk.Bo Yang2009-08-111-1/+2
* Purge all trace of the ballache that was dom_ctx.John Mark Bell2007-07-061-2/+2
* Import DOM library.John Mark Bell2007-07-061-0/+34